Data and Statistical Analyses after Multiple Imputation

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Documentation for package ‘miceafter’ version 0.5.0

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bf_test Calculates the Brown-Forsythe test.
cindex Calculates the c-index and standard error
cor2fz Fisher z transformation of correlation coefficient
cor_est Calculates the correlation coefficient
df2milist Turns a data frame with multiply imputed data into an object of class 'milist'
f2chi Converts F-values into Chi Square values
fz2cor Fisher z back transformation of correlation coefficient
glm_mi Direct Pooling and model selection of Linear and Logistic regression models across multiply imputed data.
invlogit Takes the inverse of a logit transformed value
invlogit_ci Takes the inverse of logit transformed parameters and calculates the confidence intervals
lbpmicox Survival data of 265 Low Back Pain Patients
lbpmilr Data of 159 Low Back Pain Patients
lbp_orig Dataset of 159 Low Back Pain Patients with missing values
levene_test Calculates the Levene's test
list2milist Turns a list object with multiply imputed datasets into an object of class 'milist'.
logit_trans Logit transformation of parameter estimates
mids2milist Turns a 'mice::mids' object into an object of class 'milist' to be further used by 'miceafter::with'
odds_ratio Calculates the odds ratio (OR) and standard error.
pool_bftest Calculates the pooled Brown-Forsythe test.
pool_cindex Calculates the pooled C-index and Confidence intervals
pool_cor Calculates the pooled correlation coefficient and Confidence intervals
pool_D2 Combines the Chi Square statistics across Multiply Imputed datasets
pool_D4 Pools the Likelihood Ratio tests across Multiply Imputed datasets ( method D4)
pool_glm Pools and selects Linear and Logistic regression models across multiply imputed data.
pool_levenetest Calculates the pooled Levene test.
pool_odds_ratio Calculates the pooled odds ratio (OR) and related confidence interval.
pool_propdiff_ac Calculates the pooled difference between proportions and standard error according to Agresti-Caffo across multiply imputed datasets.
pool_propdiff_nw Calculates the pooled difference between proportions and confidence intervals according to Newcombe-Wilson (NW) across multiply imputed datasets.
pool_propdiff_wald Calculates the pooled difference between proportions and standard error according to Wald across multiply imputed datasets.
pool_prop_nna Calculates the pooled proportion and confidence intervals using an approximate Beta distribution.
pool_prop_wald Calculates the pooled proportion and standard error according to Wald across multiply imputed datasets.
pool_prop_wilson Calculates the pooled single proportion confidence intervals according to Wilson across multiply imputed datasets.
pool_risk_ratio Calculates the pooled risk ratio (RR) and related confidence interval.
pool_scalar_RR Rubin's Rules for scalar estimates
pool_t_test Calculates the pooled t-test and Confidence intervals
propdiff_ac Calculates the difference between proportions and standard error according to method Agresti-Caffo
propdiff_wald Calculates the difference between proportions and standard error according to Wald
prop_nna Calculates the posterior beta components for a single proportion
prop_wald Calculates a single proportion and related standard error according to Wald
risk_ratio Calculates the risk ratio (RR) and standard error.
t_test Calculates the one, two and paired sample t-test
with.milist Evaluate an Expression across a list of multiply imputed datasets