kernel_matW {mgwrsar} | R Documentation |
kernel_matW A function that returns a sparse weight matrix based computed with a specified kernel (gauss,bisq,tcub,epane,rectangle,triangle) considering coordinates provides in S and a given bandwidth. If NN<nrow(S) only NN firts neighbours are considered. If Type!='GD' then S should have additional columns and several kernels and bandwidths should be be specified by the user.
kernel_matW A function that returns a sparse weight matrix based computed with a specified kernel (gauss,bisq,tcub,epane,rectangle,triangle) considering coordinates provides in S and a given bandwidth. If NN<nrow(S) only NN firts neighbours are considered. If Type!='GD' then S should have additional columns and several kernels and bandwidths should be be specified by the user.
H |
A vector of bandwidths |
kernels |
A vector of kernel types |
coord_i |
A matrix with variables used in kernel (reference) |
coord_j |
A matrix with variables used in kernel (neighbors), default NULL (if NULL coord_j=coord_i) |
NN |
Number of spatial Neighbours for kernels computations |
ncolX |
control parameter |
Type |
Type of Genelarized kernel product ('GD' only spatial,'GDC' spatial + a categorical variable,'GDX' spatial + a continuous variable, 'GDT' spatial + a time index, and other combinations 'GDXXC','GDTX',...) |
adaptive |
A vector of boolean to choose adaptive version for each kernel |
diagnull |
Zero on diagonal, default FALSE |
rowNorm |
A boolean, row normalization of weights, default TRUE |
noisland |
A boolean to avoid isle with no neighbours for non adaptive kernel, default FALSE |
A sparse Matrix of weights (dgCMatrix).
## loading data example
## Creating a spatial weight matrix (sparce dgCMatrix) of 4 nearest neighbors with 0 in diagonal