GWR and MGWR with Spatial Autocorrelation

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Documentation for package ‘mgwrsar’ version 1.0.5

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bandwidths_mgwrsar bandwidths_mgwrsar
find_TP Search of a suitable set of target points. find_TP is a wrapper function that identifies a set of target points based on spatial smoothed OLS residuals.
kernel_matW kernel_matW A function that returns a sparse weight matrix based computed with a specified kernel (gauss,bisq,tcub,epane,rectangle,triangle) considering coordinates provides in S and a given bandwidth. If NN<nrow(S) only NN firts neighbours are considered. If Type!='GD' then S should have additional columns and several kernels and bandwidths should be be specified by the user.
MGWRSAR Estimation of linear and local linear model with spatial autocorrelation model (mgwrsar).
mgwrsar_bootstrap_test A bootstrap test for Betas for mgwrsar class model.
mgwrsar_bootstrap_test_all A bootstrap test for testing nullity of all Betas for mgwrsar class model,
multiscale_gwr multiscale_gwr This function adapts the multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) methodology proposed by Fotheringam et al. in 2017, employing a backward fitting procedure within the MGWRSAR subroutines. The consecutive bandwidth optimizations are performed by minimizing the corrected Akaike criteria. to be documented (experimental)
mydata mydata is a simulated data set of a mgwrsar model
normW normW row normalization of dgCMatrix
plot_effect plot_effect plot_effect is a function that plots the effect of a variable X_k with spatially varying coefficient, i.e X_k * Beta_k(u_i,v_i) for comparing the magnitude of effects of between variables.
plot_mgwrsar plot_mgwrsar plots the value of local paramaters of a mgwrsar models using a leaflet map.
predict_mgwrsar mgwrsar Model Predictions predict_mgwrsar is a function for computing predictions of a mgwrsar models. It uses Best Linear Unbiased Predictor for mgwrsar models with spatial autocorrelation.
simu_multiscale Estimation of linear and local linear model with spatial autocorrelation model (mgwrsar).
summary_Matrix summary_Matrix to be documented
summary_mgwrsar Print a summary of mgwrsar models