'Matrix-Based Flexible Project Planning'

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Documentation for package ‘mfpp’ version 0.0.5

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mfpp-package Matrix-Based Flexible Project Planning
Batselier Real-life project database by Batselier and Vanhoucke (2015)
Boctor Sumulated project database by Boctor (1993)
generatepdm Function to generate a PDM matrix for flexible project planning problems.
get.structures Function to calculate minimal/maximal/most likely project structures.
is.flexible Function to check the flexibility of PDM matrix.
maxscore_PEM Function to calculate maximal score value (PMAX) of possible project scenarios.
mfpp Matrix-Based Flexible Project Planning
minscore_PEM Function to calculate minimal score value of possible project scenarios.
paretores Calculate Pareto-optimal resource allocation
percent Function to calculate desired project completion characteristic of a project structure.
phase1 Function to simulate estimation uncertainty.
phase2 Function to simulate shock effects.
phase3 Function to simulate the effects of the change of customer claims.
plot.PDM_list Plot function for Matrix-Based Flexible Project Planning
plot.PDM_matrix Plot function for Matrix-Based Flexible Project Planning
plot.Set_PDM_list Plot function for Matrix-Based Flexible Project Planning
plot.Set_PDM_matrix Plot function for Matrix-Based Flexible Project Planning
plot.TPT Plot function for Matrix-Based Flexible Project Planning
summary.Collection_PDM Print PDM constraints, matrices, lists, sets, collections.
summary.PDM_const Print PDM constraints, matrices, lists, sets, collections.
summary.PDM_list Print PDM constraints, matrices, lists, sets, collections.
summary.PDM_matrix Print PDM constraints, matrices, lists, sets, collections.
summary.Set_PDM_list Print PDM constraints, matrices, lists, sets, collections.
summary.Set_PDM_matrix Print PDM constraints, matrices, lists, sets, collections.
summary.TPT Print PDM constraints, matrices, lists, sets, collections.
tpc Function of Cost demands of a project.
tpq Function to calcualte Total Project Quality for a project structure.
tpr Function to calculate maximum resource demands of a project.
tpt Function to evaluate EST, EFT, LST and LFT times of activity of a project.
truncpdm Function to drop excluded tasks.