A B C D E F G J L M N O P R S T U V W Z misc
meta-package | meta: Brief overview of methods and general hints |
amlodipine | Amlodipine for Work Capacity |
as.data.frame.meta | Additional functions for objects of class meta |
asin2ir | Auxiliary functions for (back) transformations |
asin2p | Auxiliary functions for (back) transformations |
backtransf | Auxiliary functions for (back) transformations |
barplot.rob | Produce weighted bar plot of risk of bias assessment |
baujat | Baujat plot to explore heterogeneity in meta-analysis |
baujat.meta | Baujat plot to explore heterogeneity in meta-analysis |
blup | Calculate best linear unbiased predictor for 'meta' object |
blup.meta | Calculate best linear unbiased predictor for 'meta' object |
bubble | Bubble plot to display the result of a meta-regression |
bubble.metareg | Bubble plot to display the result of a meta-regression |
caffeine | Caffeine for daytime drowsiness |
ci | Calculation of confidence intervals (based on normal approximation or t-distribution) |
cilayout | Print meta-analysis results |
cisapride | Cisapride in Non-Ulcer Dispepsia |
cor2z | Auxiliary functions for (back) transformations |
drapery | Drapery plot |
estimates | Extract results from meta-analysis object |
estimates.blup.meta | Calculate best linear unbiased predictor for 'meta' object |
estimates.meta | Extract results from meta-analysis object |
Fleiss1993bin | Aspirin after Myocardial Infarction |
Fleiss1993cont | Mental Health Treatment |
Fleiss1993_CR | Import RevMan 5 analysis data |
Fleiss93 | Aspirin after Myocardial Infarction |
Fleiss93cont | Mental Health Treatment |
forest | Forest plot to display the result of a meta-analysis |
forest.meta | Forest plot to display the result of a meta-analysis |
forest.metabind | Forest plot to display the result of a meta-analysis |
funnel | Funnel plot |
funnel.meta | Funnel plot |
gs | Get default for a meta-analysis setting. |
JAMAlabels | Create study labels in JAMA layout (deprecated function) |
labbe | L'Abbé plot for meta-analysis with binary outcomes |
labbe.default | L'Abbé plot for meta-analysis with binary outcomes |
labbe.metabin | L'Abbé plot for meta-analysis with binary outcomes |
labels.meta | Create study labels for forest plot |
logit2p | Auxiliary functions for (back) transformations |
logVR2VE | Auxiliary functions for (back) transformations |
longarm | Transform data from pairwise comparisons to long arm-based format |
lungcancer | Smoking example |
meta | meta: Brief overview of methods and general hints |
meta-object | Description of R object of class "meta" |
meta-sm | Description of summary measures available in R package *meta* |
meta-transf | Auxiliary functions for (back) transformations |
metaadd | Add pooled results from external analysis to meta-analysis |
metabias | Test for funnel plot asymmetry |
metabias.cdir | Cochrane review: Test for funnel plot asymmetry |
metabias.default | Test for funnel plot asymmetry |
metabias.meta | Test for funnel plot asymmetry |
metabias.rm5 | Cochrane review: Test for funnel plot asymmetry |
metabin | Meta-analysis of binary outcome data |
metabind | Combine and summarize meta-analysis objects |
metacont | Meta-analysis of continuous outcome data |
metacor | Meta-analysis of correlations |
metacr | Meta-analysis of outcome data from Cochrane review |
metacum | Cumulative meta-analysis |
metacum.default | Cumulative meta-analysis |
metacum.meta | Cumulative meta-analysis |
metagen | Generic inverse variance meta-analysis |
metainc | Meta-analysis of incidence rates |
metainf | Influence analysis in meta-analysis using leave-one-out method |
metainf.default | Influence analysis in meta-analysis using leave-one-out method |
metainf.meta | Influence analysis in meta-analysis using leave-one-out method |
metamean | Meta-analysis of single means |
metamerge | Merge results of two meta-analyses on the same data set |
metaprop | Meta-analysis of single proportions |
metarate | Meta-analysis of single incidence rates |
metareg | Meta-regression |
metareg.default | Meta-regression |
metareg.meta | Meta-regression |
nnt | Calculate the number needed to treat (NNT) |
nnt.default | Calculate the number needed to treat (NNT) |
nnt.meta | Calculate the number needed to treat (NNT) |
Olkin1995 | Thrombolytic Therapy after Acute Myocardial Infarction |
Olkin95 | Thrombolytic Therapy after Acute Myocardial Infarction |
or2smd | Conversion from log odds ratio to standardised mean difference |
p2asin | Auxiliary functions for (back) transformations |
p2logit | Auxiliary functions for (back) transformations |
Pagliaro1992 | Meta-analysis on Prevention of First Bleeding in Cirrhosis |
plot.meta | Forest plot to display the result of a meta-analysis |
print.blup.meta | Calculate best linear unbiased predictor for 'meta' object |
print.cdir | Import data of Cochrane intervention review |
print.estimates.blup.meta | Calculate best linear unbiased predictor for 'meta' object |
print.estimates.meta | Extract results from meta-analysis object |
print.meta | Print meta-analysis results |
print.metabias | Test for funnel plot asymmetry |
print.nnt.meta | Calculate the number needed to treat (NNT) |
print.rm5 | Cochrane review: summary of meta-analyses |
print.rob | Risk of bias assessment |
print.summary.cdir | Cochrane review: detailed summary of meta-analyses |
print.summary.meta | Print detailed meta-analysis results |
print.summary.rm5 | Cochrane review: detailed summary of meta-analyses |
print.trimfill.cdir | Cochrane review: trim-and-fill method |
print.trimfill.rm5 | Cochrane review: trim-and-fill method |
radial | Radial plot |
radial.default | Radial plot |
radial.meta | Radial plot |
read.cdir | Import data of Cochrane intervention review |
read.mtv | Import RevMan 4 data files (.mtv) |
read.rm5 | Import RevMan 5 analysis data |
rob | Risk of bias assessment |
settings.meta | Print and change default settings to conduct and print or plot meta-analyses in R package *meta*. |
smd2or | Conversion from standardised mean difference to log odds ratio |
smoking | Smoking example |
subset.longarm | Return subset of longarm object |
summary.cdir | Cochrane review: detailed summary of meta-analyses |
summary.meta | Summary of meta-analysis results |
summary.rm5 | Cochrane review: detailed summary of meta-analyses |
traffic_light | Produce traffic light plot of risk of bias assessment |
transf | Auxiliary functions for (back) transformations |
trimfill | Trim-and-fill method to adjust for bias in meta-analysis |
trimfill.cdir | Cochrane review: trim-and-fill method |
trimfill.default | Trim-and-fill method to adjust for bias in meta-analysis |
trimfill.meta | Trim-and-fill method to adjust for bias in meta-analysis |
trimfill.rm5 | Cochrane review: trim-and-fill method |
update.meta | Update a meta-analysis object |
VE2logVR | Auxiliary functions for (back) transformations |
weights.meta | Calculate absolute and percentage weights for meta-analysis |
woodyplants | Elevated CO_2 and total biomass of woody plants |
z2cor | Auxiliary functions for (back) transformations |
.forestArgs | Forest plot to display the result of a meta-analysis |