A B C D E G H I K L M N P Q R S U V W X Y misc
metRology-package | Support for Metrological Applications |
algA | Robust estimation of location and scale using Algorithm A |
algS | 'Algorithm S' - robust estimate of pooled standard deviation |
apricot | Collaborative study results for fibre content in an apricot test material |
barplot.bootMSD | Object returned by 'bootMSD' and associated methods. |
barplot.mandel.kh | Barplot of Mandel's h or k statistics |
barplot.MSD | Methods for the object returned by 'msd'. |
bkp | Draw block plots from block plot objects |
blockplot | Generate a "block plot" - a histogram variant identifiying individual data points. |
blockplot.default | Generate a "block plot" - a histogram variant identifiying individual data points. |
blockplot.formula | Generate a "block plot" - a histogram variant identifiying individual data points. |
bootMSD | Parametric bootstrap for median scaled difference |
bootMSD-class | Object returned by 'bootMSD' and associated methods. |
bootMSD.default | Parametric bootstrap for median scaled difference |
bootMSD.MSD | Parametric bootstrap for median scaled difference |
boxplot.mandel.kh | Box plot of Mandel's h or k statistics |
bplot | Generate a "block plot" - a histogram variant identifiying individual data points. |
buildCor | Functions to build correlation and covariance matrices. |
buildCov | Functions to build correlation and covariance matrices. |
c.ilab | Combine 'ilab' objects |
cbind | Combine 'ilab' objects |
cbind.default | Combine 'ilab' objects |
cbind.ilab | Combine 'ilab' objects |
chromium | Chromium data for two different materials included in an interlaboratory study |
construct.ilab | The 'ilab' class. |
contribs | Extract contributions from an 'uncert' object. |
cov.dellipse | Constructs a covariance and location object for use in plotting data ellipses. |
cplot | Consistency plot for Key Comparisons |
d.ellipse | Construct data ellipses suitable for use with Youden plots. |
data.ellipse | Construct data ellipses suitable for use with Youden plots. |
dmandelh | Mandel's h statistic. |
dmandelk | Mandel's k statistic. |
dmsd | Median scaled difference probabilities and quantiles |
dplot | Duewer concordance/apparent precision plot |
drop1.uncert | Single variable deletions from the uncertainty budget. |
drop1.uncertMC | Single variable deletions from the uncertainty budget. |
dsl | derSimonian-Laird estimator |
dsl.default | derSimonian-Laird estimator |
dt.scaled | Scaled and shifted t distribution. |
dtri | The triangular distribution. |
duewer.plot | Duewer concordance/apparent precision plot |
duewer.plot.default | Duewer concordance/apparent precision plot |
Extract.ilab | The 'ilab' class. |
gplot | Grouped plots of type "h" |
GUM | Propagation of Measurement Uncertainty for Typical Metrology Applications Using the Methods Outlined in the GUM |
GUM.H.1 | Example H.1 from the _Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement_ |
GUM.validate | Monte Carlo Check on the Statistical Performance of GUM Uncertainty Intervals Using Attained Coverage Probability |
huber.estimate | M- and MM-estimators for location. |
huber.estimate.default | M- and MM-estimators for location. |
ilab-class | The 'ilab' class. |
kplot | Dot-and-bar plot for Key Comparisons |
kplot.default | Dot-and-bar plot for Key Comparisons |
kplot.ilab | Dot-and-bar plot for Key Comparisons |
kpoints | Dot-and-bar plot for Key Comparisons |
LCS | LCS: Largest consistent subset |
loc.est-class | The location estimate class |
M-estimators | M- and MM-estimators for location. |
mandel.h | Calculate Mandel's h statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.h.array | Calculate Mandel's h statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.h.data.frame | Calculate Mandel's h statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.h.default | Calculate Mandel's h statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.h.ilab | Calculate Mandel's h statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.h.matrix | Calculate Mandel's h statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.k | Calculate Mandel's k statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.k.array | Calculate Mandel's k statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.k.data.frame | Calculate Mandel's k statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.k.default | Calculate Mandel's k statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.k.ilab | Calculate Mandel's k statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.k.matrix | Calculate Mandel's k statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.kh | Calculate Mandel's h and k statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.kh.array | Calculate Mandel's h and k statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.kh.data.frame | Calculate Mandel's h and k statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.kh.default | Calculate Mandel's h and k statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.kh.ilab | Calculate Mandel's h and k statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.kh.matrix | Calculate Mandel's h and k statistics for replicate observations |
mandel.paule | Mandel-Paule calculation |
methods.ilab | Methods for the 'ilab' class. |
metRology | Support for Metrological Applications |
mle.1wre | Vangel-Rukhin Maximum Likelihood Estimate |
MM.estimate | M- and MM-estimators for location. |
MM.estimate.default | M- and MM-estimators for location. |
mpaule | Mandel-Paule calculation |
mpaule.default | Mandel-Paule calculation |
msd | Median scaled difference |
MSD-class | Methods for the object returned by 'msd'. |
nclass.23 | Generate a "block plot" - a histogram variant identifiying individual data points. |
Pb | Lead in wine |
plot.bootMSD | Object returned by 'bootMSD' and associated methods. |
plot.d.ellipse | Plot data ellipses |
plot.drop1.uncert | Single variable deletions from the uncertainty budget. |
plot.ilab | Methods for the 'ilab' class. |
plot.mandel.kh | Classical plots of Mandel's statistics. |
plot.MSD | Methods for the object returned by 'msd'. |
plot.uncert | Plot method for 'uncert' objects |
plot.uncertMC | Plot method for 'uncertMC' objects |
pmandelh | Mandel's h statistic. |
pmandelk | Mandel's k statistic. |
pmsd | Median scaled difference probabilities and quantiles |
potassium | Potassium data for two different materials included in an interlaboratory study |
print.bootMSD | Object returned by 'bootMSD' and associated methods. |
print.d.ellipse | Construct data ellipses suitable for use with Youden plots. |
print.drop1.uncert | Single variable deletions from the uncertainty budget. |
print.ilab | Methods for the 'ilab' class. |
print.loc.est | The location estimate class |
print.MSD | Methods for the object returned by 'msd'. |
print.summary.bootMSD | Object returned by 'bootMSD' and associated methods. |
print.summary.vr.mle | Vangel-Rukhin Maximum Likelihood Estimate |
print.uncert | The 'uncert' class |
print.uncertMC | The 'uncertMC' class |
pt.scaled | Scaled and shifted t distribution. |
ptri | The triangular distribution. |
qmandelh | Mandel's h statistic. |
qmandelk | Mandel's k statistic. |
qmsd | Median scaled difference probabilities and quantiles |
qt.scaled | Scaled and shifted t distribution. |
qtri | The triangular distribution. |
rbind | Combine 'ilab' objects |
rbind.default | Combine 'ilab' objects |
rbind.ilab | Combine 'ilab' objects |
reml.loc | Restricted maximum likelihood estimate of location |
reml.loc.default | Restricted maximum likelihood estimate of location |
rmandelh | Mandel's h statistic. |
rmandelk | Mandel's k statistic. |
RMstudy | Collaborative study results for metals in a reference material certification study |
rt.scaled | Scaled and shifted t distribution. |
rtri | The triangular distribution. |
subset.ilab | The 'ilab' class. |
summary.bootMSD | Object returned by 'bootMSD' and associated methods. |
summary.d.ellipse | Construct data ellipses suitable for use with Youden plots. |
summary.uncert | The 'uncert' class |
summary.uncertMC | The 'uncertMC' class |
uncert | Uncertainty estimation functions |
uncert-class | The 'uncert' class |
uncert.default | Uncertainty estimation functions |
uncert.expression | Uncertainty estimation functions |
uncert.formula | Uncertainty estimation functions |
uncert.function | Uncertainty estimation functions |
uncertMC | Monte Carlo evaluation of measurement uncertainty. |
uncertMC-class | The 'uncertMC' class |
update.uncert | Update and recalculate an uncertainty estimate |
updateCor | Functions to build correlation and covariance matrices. |
updateCov | Functions to build correlation and covariance matrices. |
vr.mle | Vangel-Rukhin Maximum Likelihood Estimate |
w.s | Welch-Satterthwaite effective degrees of freedom |
welch.satterthwaite | Welch-Satterthwaite effective degrees of freedom |
xs.plot | Mean/Standard deviation plot with confidence region. |
xs.plot.default | Mean/Standard deviation plot with confidence region. |
XSplot | Mean/Standard deviation plot with confidence region. |
youden.plot | Youden plots |
youden.plot.default | Youden plots |
yplot | Youden plots |
[.ilab | The 'ilab' class. |