Accuracy and Precision of Measurements

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Documentation for package ‘merror’ version 3.0

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alpha.beta.sigma Build an alpha-beta-sigma Matrix for Use with the cplot Function Compute the estimates of betas.
cb.pd Compute accuracy estimates and maximum likelihood estimates of precision for the constant bias measurement error model using paired data.
cplot Scatter plot of observations for a pair of devices with calibration curve.
errors.cb Extracts the estimated measurement errors assuming there is a constant bias and using the original data.
errors.nb Extracts the estimated measurement errors assuming there is no bias and using the original data.
errors.ncb Extracts the estimated measurement errors assuming there is a nonconstant bias and using the original data values.
lrt Likelihood ratio test for all betas equalling one.
merror.pairs A modified '"pairs"' plot with all axes haveing the same range.
mle Compute maximum likelihood estimates of precision.
mle.se2 Compute squared standard errors for imprecision estimates for the constant bias model using paired data.
ncb.od Compute accuracy estimates and maximum likelihood estimates of precision for the nonconstant bias measurement error model using original data.
omx Compute full information maximum likelihood estimates of accuracy and precision for the nonconstant bias measurement error model using 'OpenMx'.
panel.merror Draw diagonal line (line of equality) on merror.pairs plots
pm2.5 PM 2.5 Concentrations from SCAMP Collocated Samplers
precision.grubbs.cb.pd Computes Grubbs' method of moments estimators of precision for the constant bias model using paired differences.
precision.grubbs.ncb.od Computes Grubbs' method of moments estimators of precision for the nonconstant bias model using original data values.
precision.mle.ncb.od Computes iterative approximation to mle precision estimates for nonconstant bias model using original data. Compute process standard deviation
process.var.mle Compute process variance.
process.var.mle.jaech.err Compute process variance but with minor error in Jaech Fortran code.
redshift Spectroscopic and Photometric Galaxy Redshift Measurements
sigma_mle Computes the ith iteration for computing the squared imprecision estimates.