simdata {mdatools}R Documentation

Spectral data of polyaromatic hydrocarbons mixing


Simdata contains training and test set with spectra and concentration values of polyaromatic hydrocarbons mixings.




The data is a list with following fields:

$spectra.c a matrix (100x150) with spectral values for the training set.
$spectra.t a matrix (100x150) with spectral values for the test set.
$conc.c a matrix (100x3) with concentration of components for the training set.
$conc.t a matrix (100x3) with concentration of components for the test set.
$wavelength a vector with spectra wavelength in nm.


This is a simulated data containing UV/Vis spectra of three component (polyaromatic hydrocarbons) mixings - C1, C2 and C3. The spectral range is betwen 210 and 360 nm. The spectra were simulated as a linear combination of pure component spectra plus 5% of random noise. The concentration range is (in moles): C1 [0, 1], C2 [0, 0.5], C3 [0, 0.1].

There are 100 mixings in a training set and 50 mixings in a test set. The data can be used for multivariate regression examples.

[Package mdatools version 0.14.1 Index]