Method Comparison Regression - Mcr Fork for M- And MM-Deming Regression

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mcrPioda-package Method Comparison Regression - Mcr Fork for M- and MM-Deming Regression

-- C --

calcBias Systematical Bias Between Reference Method and Test Method
calcBias-method Class '"MCResult"'
calcCUSUM Calculate CUSUM Statistics According to Passing & Bablok (1983)
calcCUSUM-method Class '"MCResult"'
calcDiff Calculate difference between two numeric vectors that gives exactly zero for very small relative differences.
calcResponse Calculate Response with Confidence Interval.
calcResponse-method Class '"MCResult"'
calcResponse-method Class '"MCResultAnalytical"'
calcResponse-method Class '"MCResultBCa"'
calcResponse-method Class '"MCResultJackknife"'
calcResponse-method Class '"MCResultResampling"'
coef Get Regression Coefficients
coef-method Class '"MCResult"'
compareFit Graphical Comparison of Regression Parameters and Associated Confidence Intervals
creatinine Comparison of blood and serum creatinine measurement

-- G --

getCoefficients Get Regression Coefficients
getCoefficients-method Class '"MCResult"'
getData Get Data
getData-method Class '"MCResult"'
getErrorRatio Get Error Ratio
getErrorRatio-method Class '"MCResult"'
getFitted Get Fitted Values.
getFitted-method Class '"MCResult"'
getRegmethod Get Regression Method
getRegmethod-method Class '"MCResult"'
getResiduals Get Regression Residuals
getResiduals-method Class '"MCResult"'
getRJIF Relative Jackknife Influence Function
getRJIF-method Class '"MCResultJackknife"'
getWeights Get Weights of Data Points
getWeights-method Class '"MCResult"'

-- I --

includeLegend Include Legend

-- M -- Analytical Confidence Interval
mc.bootstrap Resampling estimation of regression parameters and standard errors.
mc.calc.bca Bias Corrected and Accelerated Resampling Confidence Interval
mc.calc.quant Quantile Calculation for BCa
mc.calc.quantile Quantile Method for Calculation of Resampling Confidence Intervals
mc.calc.Student Student Method for Calculation of Resampling Confidence Intervals
mc.calc.tboot Bootstrap-t Method for Calculation of Resampling Confidence Intervals
mc.calcAngleMat Calculate Matrix of All Pair-wise Slope Angles
mc.calcAngleMat.R Calculate Matrix of All Pair-wise Slope Angles
mc.calcLinnetCI Jackknife Confidence Interval
mc.calcTstar Compute Resampling T-statistic.
mc.deming Calculate Unweighted Deming Regression and Estimate Standard Errors
mc.linreg Calculate ordinary linear Regression and Estimate Standard Errors
mc.make.CIframe Returns Results of Calculations in Matrix Form
mc.mdemingConstCV Calculate Weighted Deming Regression
mc.mmdemingConstCV Calculate Weighted Deming Regression
mc.mmNgdemingConstCV Calculate MM Deming Regression
mc.mmPidemingConstCV Calculate MM Deming Regression
mc.paba Passing-Bablok Regression
mc.paba.LargeData Passing-Bablok Regression for Large Datasets
mc.PBequi Equivariant Passing-Bablok Regression
mc.wdemingConstCV Calculate Weighted Deming Regression
mc.wlinreg Calculate Weighted Ordinary Linear Regression and Estimate Standard Errors
mcreg Comparison of Two Measurement Methods Using Regression Analysis
MCResult-class Class '"MCResult"'
MCResult.calcBias Systematical Bias Between Reference Method and Test Method
MCResult.calcCUSUM Calculate CUSUM Statistics According to Passing & Bablok (1983)
MCResult.calcResponse Calculate Response with Confidence Interval.
MCResult.getCoefficients Get Regression Coefficients
MCResult.getData Get Data
MCResult.getErrorRatio Get Error Ratio
MCResult.getFitted Get Fitted Values.
MCResult.getRegmethod Get Regression Method
MCResult.getResiduals Get Regression Residuals
MCResult.getWeights Get Weights of Data Points
MCResult.initialize MCResult Object Initialization
MCResult.plot Scatter Plot Method X vs. Method Y
MCResult.plotBias Plot Estimated Systematical Bias with Confidence Bounds
MCResult.plotDifference Bland-Altman Plot
MCResult.plotResiduals Plot Residuals of an MCResult Object
MCResult.printSummary Print Summary of a Regression Analysis
MCResultAnalytical-class Class '"MCResultAnalytical"'
MCResultAnalytical.calcResponse Calculate Response
MCResultAnalytical.initialize Initialize Method for 'MCResultAnalytical' Objects.
MCResultAnalytical.printSummary Print Regression-Analysis Summary for Objects of class 'MCResultAnalytical'.
MCResultBCa-class Class '"MCResultBCa"'
MCResultBCa.bootstrapSummary Compute Bootstrap-Summary for 'MCResultBCa' Objects.
MCResultBCa.calcResponse Calculate Response
MCResultBCa.initialize Initialize Method for 'MCResultBCa' Objects.
MCResultBCa.plotBootstrapCoefficients Plot distribution of bootstrap coefficients
MCResultBCa.plotBootstrapT Plot distribution of bootstrap pivot T
MCResultBCa.plotBoxEllipses Plot Box Ellipses of bootstrap coefficients
MCResultBCa.printSummary Print Regression-Analysis Summary for Objects of class 'MCResultBCa'.
MCResultJackknife-class Class '"MCResultJackknife"'
MCResultJackknife.calcResponse Calculate Response
MCResultJackknife.getJackknifeIntercept Get-Method for Jackknife-Intercept Value.
MCResultJackknife.getJackknifeSlope Get-Method for Jackknife-Slope Value.
MCResultJackknife.getJackknifeStatistics Jackknife Statistics
MCResultJackknife.getRJIF Relative Jackknife Influence Function
MCResultJackknife.initialize Initialize Method for 'MCResultJackknife' Objects.
MCResultJackknife.plotwithRJIF Plotting the Relative Jackknife Influence Function
MCResultJackknife.printSummary Print Regression-Analysis Summary for Objects of class 'MCResultJackknife'.
MCResultResampling-class Class '"MCResultResampling"'
MCResultResampling.bootstrapSummary Compute Bootstrap-Summary for 'MCResultResampling' Objects.
MCResultResampling.calcResponse Calculate Response
MCResultResampling.initialize Initialize Method for 'MCResultAnalytical' Objects.
MCResultResampling.plotBootstrapCoefficients Plot distribution of bootstrap coefficients
MCResultResampling.plotBootstrapT Plot distribution of bootstrap pivot T
MCResultResampling.plotBoxEllipses Plot Box Ellipses of bootstrap coefficients
MCResultResampling.printSummary Print Regression-Analysis Summary for Objects of class 'MCResultResampling'.
mcrPioda Method Comparison Regression - Mcr Fork for M- and MM-Deming Regression

-- N --

newMCResult MCResult Object Constructor with Matrix in Wide Format as Input
newMCResultAnalytical MCResultAnalytical object constructor with matrix in wide format as input.
newMCResultBCa MCResultBCa object constructor with matrix in wide format as input.
newMCResultJackknife MCResultJackknife Object Constructor with Matrix in Wide Format as Input
newMCResultResampling MCResultResampling object constructor with matrix in wide format as input.

-- P --

plot Scatter Plot Method X vs. Method Y
plot-method Class '"MCResult"'
plot.mcr Scatter Plot Method X vs. Method Y
plotBias Plot Estimated Systematical Bias with Confidence Bounds
plotBias-method Class '"MCResult"'
plotDifference Bland-Altman Plot
plotDifference-method Class '"MCResult"'
plotResiduals Plot Residuals of an MCResult Object
plotResiduals-method Class '"MCResult"'
plotwithRJIF Plotting the Relative Jackknife Influence Function
plotwithRJIF-method Class '"MCResultJackknife"'
printSummary Print Summary of a Regression Analysis
printSummary-method Class '"MCResult"'
printSummary-method Class '"MCResultAnalytical"'
printSummary-method Class '"MCResultBCa"'
printSummary-method Class '"MCResultJackknife"'
printSummary-method Class '"MCResultResampling"'

-- S --

summary Print Summary of a Regression Analysis
summary-method Class '"MCResult"'
summary-method Class '"MCResultAnalytical"'
summary-method Class '"MCResultBCa"'
summary-method Class '"MCResultJackknife"'
summary-method Class '"MCResultResampling"'