Analytical Confidence Interval |
mc.bootstrap |
Resampling estimation of regression parameters and standard errors. |
mc.calc.bca |
Bias Corrected and Accelerated Resampling Confidence Interval |
mc.calc.quant |
Quantile Calculation for BCa |
mc.calc.quantile |
Quantile Method for Calculation of Resampling Confidence Intervals |
mc.calc.Student |
Student Method for Calculation of Resampling Confidence Intervals |
mc.calc.tboot |
Bootstrap-t Method for Calculation of Resampling Confidence Intervals |
mc.calcAngleMat |
Calculate Matrix of All Pair-wise Slope Angles |
mc.calcAngleMat.R |
Calculate Matrix of All Pair-wise Slope Angles |
mc.calcLinnetCI |
Jackknife Confidence Interval |
mc.calcTstar |
Compute Resampling T-statistic. |
mc.deming |
Calculate Unweighted Deming Regression and Estimate Standard Errors |
mc.linreg |
Calculate ordinary linear Regression and Estimate Standard Errors |
mc.make.CIframe |
Returns Results of Calculations in Matrix Form |
mc.mdemingConstCV |
Calculate Weighted Deming Regression |
mc.mmdemingConstCV |
Calculate Weighted Deming Regression |
mc.mmNgdemingConstCV |
Calculate MM Deming Regression |
mc.mmPidemingConstCV |
Calculate MM Deming Regression |
mc.paba |
Passing-Bablok Regression |
mc.paba.LargeData |
Passing-Bablok Regression for Large Datasets |
mc.PBequi |
Equivariant Passing-Bablok Regression |
mc.wdemingConstCV |
Calculate Weighted Deming Regression |
mc.wlinreg |
Calculate Weighted Ordinary Linear Regression and Estimate Standard Errors |
mcreg |
Comparison of Two Measurement Methods Using Regression Analysis |
MCResult-class |
Class '"MCResult"' |
MCResult.calcBias |
Systematical Bias Between Reference Method and Test Method |
MCResult.calcCUSUM |
Calculate CUSUM Statistics According to Passing & Bablok (1983) |
MCResult.calcResponse |
Calculate Response with Confidence Interval. |
MCResult.getCoefficients |
Get Regression Coefficients |
MCResult.getData |
Get Data |
MCResult.getErrorRatio |
Get Error Ratio |
MCResult.getFitted |
Get Fitted Values. |
MCResult.getRegmethod |
Get Regression Method |
MCResult.getResiduals |
Get Regression Residuals |
MCResult.getWeights |
Get Weights of Data Points |
MCResult.initialize |
MCResult Object Initialization |
MCResult.plot |
Scatter Plot Method X vs. Method Y |
MCResult.plotBias |
Plot Estimated Systematical Bias with Confidence Bounds |
MCResult.plotDifference |
Bland-Altman Plot |
MCResult.plotResiduals |
Plot Residuals of an MCResult Object |
MCResult.printSummary |
Print Summary of a Regression Analysis |
MCResultAnalytical-class |
Class '"MCResultAnalytical"' |
MCResultAnalytical.calcResponse |
Calculate Response |
MCResultAnalytical.initialize |
Initialize Method for 'MCResultAnalytical' Objects. |
MCResultAnalytical.printSummary |
Print Regression-Analysis Summary for Objects of class 'MCResultAnalytical'. |
MCResultBCa-class |
Class '"MCResultBCa"' |
MCResultBCa.bootstrapSummary |
Compute Bootstrap-Summary for 'MCResultBCa' Objects. |
MCResultBCa.calcResponse |
Calculate Response |
MCResultBCa.initialize |
Initialize Method for 'MCResultBCa' Objects. |
MCResultBCa.plotBootstrapCoefficients |
Plot distribution of bootstrap coefficients |
MCResultBCa.plotBootstrapT |
Plot distribution of bootstrap pivot T |
MCResultBCa.plotBoxEllipses |
Plot Box Ellipses of bootstrap coefficients |
MCResultBCa.printSummary |
Print Regression-Analysis Summary for Objects of class 'MCResultBCa'. |
MCResultJackknife-class |
Class '"MCResultJackknife"' |
MCResultJackknife.calcResponse |
Calculate Response |
MCResultJackknife.getJackknifeIntercept |
Get-Method for Jackknife-Intercept Value. |
MCResultJackknife.getJackknifeSlope |
Get-Method for Jackknife-Slope Value. |
MCResultJackknife.getJackknifeStatistics |
Jackknife Statistics |
MCResultJackknife.getRJIF |
Relative Jackknife Influence Function |
MCResultJackknife.initialize |
Initialize Method for 'MCResultJackknife' Objects. |
MCResultJackknife.plotwithRJIF |
Plotting the Relative Jackknife Influence Function |
MCResultJackknife.printSummary |
Print Regression-Analysis Summary for Objects of class 'MCResultJackknife'. |
MCResultResampling-class |
Class '"MCResultResampling"' |
MCResultResampling.bootstrapSummary |
Compute Bootstrap-Summary for 'MCResultResampling' Objects. |
MCResultResampling.calcResponse |
Calculate Response |
MCResultResampling.initialize |
Initialize Method for 'MCResultAnalytical' Objects. |
MCResultResampling.plotBootstrapCoefficients |
Plot distribution of bootstrap coefficients |
MCResultResampling.plotBootstrapT |
Plot distribution of bootstrap pivot T |
MCResultResampling.plotBoxEllipses |
Plot Box Ellipses of bootstrap coefficients |
MCResultResampling.printSummary |
Print Regression-Analysis Summary for Objects of class 'MCResultResampling'. |
mcrPioda |
Method Comparison Regression - Mcr Fork for M- and MM-Deming Regression |