Multinomial Logit Models, with or without Random Effects or Overdispersion

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Documentation for package ‘mclogit’ version 0.9.6

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AIC.mclogit Conditional Logit Models and Mixed Conditional Logit Models
anova.mclogit Conditional Logit Models and Mixed Conditional Logit Models
BIC.mclogit Conditional Logit Models and Mixed Conditional Logit Models
deviance.mclogit Conditional Logit Models and Mixed Conditional Logit Models
dispersion Overdispersion in Multinomial Logit Models
dispersion.mclogit Overdispersion in Multinomial Logit Models
electors Class, Party Position, and Electoral Choice
fitted.mblogit Baseline-Category Logit Models for Categorical and Multinomial Responses
fitted.mclogit Conditional Logit Models and Mixed Conditional Logit Models
getSummary.mblogit 'getSummary' Methods
getSummary.mclogit 'getSummary' Methods
getSummary.mmblogit 'getSummary' Methods
getSummary.mmclogit 'getSummary' Methods
logLik.mclogit Conditional Logit Models and Mixed Conditional Logit Models
mblogit Baseline-Category Logit Models for Categorical and Multinomial Responses
mclogit Conditional Logit Models and Mixed Conditional Logit Models
mclogit.control Control Parameters for the Fitting Process Internal functions used for model fit.
mmclogit.control Control Parameters for the Fitting Process
mmclogit.fitPQLMQL Internal functions used for model fit.
predict.mblogit Predicting responses or linear parts of the baseline-category and conditional logit models
predict.mclogit Predicting responses or linear parts of the baseline-category and conditional logit models
predict.mmblogit Predicting responses or linear parts of the baseline-category and conditional logit models
predict.mmclogit Predicting responses or linear parts of the baseline-category and conditional logit models
print.mblogit Baseline-Category Logit Models for Categorical and Multinomial Responses
print.mclogit Conditional Logit Models and Mixed Conditional Logit Models
print.mmblogit Baseline-Category Logit Models for Categorical and Multinomial Responses
print.summary.mblogit Baseline-Category Logit Models for Categorical and Multinomial Responses
print.summary.mclogit Conditional Logit Models and Mixed Conditional Logit Models
print.summary.mmblogit Baseline-Category Logit Models for Categorical and Multinomial Responses
print.summary.mmclogit Conditional Logit Models and Mixed Conditional Logit Models
residuals.mclogit Conditional Logit Models and Mixed Conditional Logit Models
simulate.mblogit Simulating responses from baseline-category and conditional logit models
simulate.mclogit Simulating responses from baseline-category and conditional logit models
simulate.mmblogit Simulating responses from baseline-category and conditional logit models
simulate.mmclogit Simulating responses from baseline-category and conditional logit models
summary.mblogit Baseline-Category Logit Models for Categorical and Multinomial Responses
summary.mclogit Conditional Logit Models and Mixed Conditional Logit Models
summary.mmblogit Baseline-Category Logit Models for Categorical and Multinomial Responses
summary.mmclogit Conditional Logit Models and Mixed Conditional Logit Models
Transport Choice of Means of Transport
update.mclogit Conditional Logit Models and Mixed Conditional Logit Models
vcov.mclogit Conditional Logit Models and Mixed Conditional Logit Models
weights.mblogit Baseline-Category Logit Models for Categorical and Multinomial Responses
weights.mclogit Conditional Logit Models and Mixed Conditional Logit Models