Simulations of Matrix Variate Distributions

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Documentation for package ‘matrixsampling’ version 2.0.0

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rinvwishart Inverse-Wishart sampler
rmatrixbeta Matrix Beta sampler
rmatrixbetaII Matrix Beta II sampler
rmatrixCHIIkind2 Sampler of the matrix variate type II confluent hypergeometric kind two distribution
rmatrixCHIkind2 Sampler of the matrix variate type I confluent hypergeometric kind two distribution
rmatrixCHkind1 Sampler of the matrix variate confluent hypergometric kind one distribution
rmatrixgamma Matrix Gamma sampler
rmatrixit Matrix inverted-t sampler
rmatrixnormal Matrix normal sampler
rmatrixt Matrix t sampler
rwishart Wishart sampler
rwishart_chol Sampling Cholesky factor of a Wishart matrix