rinvwishart |
Inverse-Wishart sampler |
rmatrixbeta |
Matrix Beta sampler |
rmatrixbetaII |
Matrix Beta II sampler |
rmatrixCHIIkind2 |
Sampler of the matrix variate type II confluent hypergeometric kind two distribution |
rmatrixCHIkind2 |
Sampler of the matrix variate type I confluent hypergeometric kind two distribution |
rmatrixCHkind1 |
Sampler of the matrix variate confluent hypergometric kind one distribution |
rmatrixgamma |
Matrix Gamma sampler |
rmatrixit |
Matrix inverted-t sampler |
rmatrixnormal |
Matrix normal sampler |
rmatrixt |
Matrix t sampler |
rwishart |
Wishart sampler |
rwishart_chol |
Sampling Cholesky factor of a Wishart matrix |