Mask Species Geographic Ranges

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Documentation for package ‘maskRangeR’ version 1.1

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annotate Annotate point data with rasters based on matching dates.
continuousMask Update a binary raster (species range map) to continuous values that describe the proportion of cell that is suitable or the quality of the cell.
cropResampleTrim Line two rasters or stacks or lists of rasters
focalCompare Generate layers based on different focal windows
lotsOfMasks Generate and apply multiple masks to a map
manyMaskSensitivity Sensitivity testing for masks
maskRanger Make a matrix of modeling decisions to be used to specify clipping rules
rangeSVM Classify species ranges based on occurrence coordinates and SDM scores.
rangeSVM_predict Generate a raster based on predictions of SVM model with values corresponding to the species.
thresholdSensitivity Sensitivity testing for thresholds