oregon.env.vars {maptree}R Documentation

Environmental Variables for Oregon, USA


Distributions of 10 environmental variables for 389 grid cells in Oregon, USA.


data (oregon.env.vars)


A data frame with 389 rows and 10 columns.


Row names are hexagon identifiers from White et al. (1992). Variables (columns) are

bird.spp number of native breeding bird species
x x coordinate of center of grid cell
y y coordinate of center of grid cell
jan.temp mean minimum January temperature (C)
jul.temp mean maximum July temperature (C)
rng.temp mean difference between July and January temperatures (C)
ann.ppt mean annual precipitation (mm)
min.elev minimum elevation (m)
rng.elev range of elevation (m)
max.slope maximum slope (percent)


Denis White


White, D., Preston, E.M., Freemark, K.E., Kiester, A.R. (1999) A hierarchical framework for conserving biodiversity, Landscape ecological analysis: issues and applications, Klopatek, J.M., Gardner, R.H., editors, Springer-Verlag, pp. 127-153.

White, D., Kimerling, A.J., Overton, W.S. (1992) Cartographic and geometric components of a global sampling design for environmental monitoring, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, 19(1), 5-22.

See Also

oregon.bird.dist, oregon.grid, oregon.border

[Package maptree version 1.4-8 Index]