Mapping, Pruning, and Graphing Tree Models

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Documentation for package ‘maptree’ version 1.4-8

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clip.clust Prunes a Hierarchical Cluster Tree
clip.rpart Prunes an Rpart Classification or Regression Tree
draw.clust Graph a Hierarchical Cluster Tree
draw.tree Graph a Classification or Regression Tree
group.clust Observation Groups for a Hierarchical Cluster Tree
group.tree Observation Groups for Classification or Regression Tree
kgs KGS Measure for Pruning Hierarchical Clusters
map.groups Map Groups of Observations
map.key Draw Key to accompany Map of Groups
ngon Outline or Fill a Regular Polygon
oregon.bird.dist Presence/Absence of Bird Species in Oregon, USA
oregon.bird.names Names of Bird Species in Oregon, USA
oregon.border Boundary of Oregon, USA
oregon.env.vars Environmental Variables for Oregon, USA
oregon.grid Hexagonal Grid Cell Polygons covering Oregon, USA Converts agnes or diana object to hclust object