esp_getTiles {mapSpain}R Documentation

Get static tiles from public administrations of Spain


Get static map tiles based on a spatial object. Maps can be fetched from various open map servers.

This function is a implementation of the javascript plugin leaflet-providersESP v1.3.3.


  type = "IDErioja",
  zoom = NULL,
  zoommin = 0,
  crop = TRUE,
  res = 512,
  bbox_expand = 0.05,
  transparent = TRUE,
  mask = FALSE,
  update_cache = FALSE,
  cache_dir = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,
  options = NULL



An sf or sfc object.


This parameter could be either:


Zoom level. If NULL, it is determined automatically. If set, it overrides zoommin. Only valid for WMTS tiles. On a single point it applies a buffer to the point and on zoom = NULL the function set a zoom level of 18. See Details.


Delta on default zoom. The default value is designed to download fewer tiles than you probably want. Use 1 or 2 to increase the resolution.


TRUE if results should be cropped to the specified x extent, FALSE otherwise. If x is an sf object with one POINT, crop is set to FALSE.


Resolution (in pixels) of the final tile. Only valid for WMS.


A numeric value that indicates the expansion percentage of the bounding box of x.


Logical. Provides transparent background, if supported. Depends on the selected provider on type.


TRUE if the result should be masked to x.


A logical whether to update cache. Default is FALSE. When set to TRUE it would force a fresh download of the source file.


A path to a cache directory. See About caching.


Logical, displays information. Useful for debugging, default is FALSE.


A named list containing additional options to pass to the query.


Zoom levels are described on the OpenStreetMap wiki:

zoom area to represent
0 whole world
3 large country
5 state
8 county
10 metropolitan area
11 city
13 village or suburb
16 streets
18 some buildings, trees

For a complete list of providers see esp_tiles_providers.

Most WMS/WMTS providers provide tiles on "EPSG:3857". In case that the tile looks deformed, try projecting first x:

x <- sf::st_transform(x, 3857)


A SpatRaster is returned, with 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA) layers, depending on the provider. See terra::rast(). .

About caching

You can set your cache_dir with esp_set_cache_dir().

Sometimes cached files may be corrupt. On that case, try re-downloading the data setting update_cache = TRUE.

If you experience any problem on download, try to download the corresponding .geojson file by any other method and save it on your cache_dir. Use the option verbose = TRUE for debugging the API query.

Source leaflet plugin, v1.3.3.

See Also


Other imagery utilities: addProviderEspTiles(), esp_make_provider(), esp_tiles_providers


## Not run: 
# This script downloads tiles to your local machine
# Run only if you are online

segovia <- esp_get_prov_siane("segovia", epsg = 3857)
tile <- esp_getTiles(segovia, "IGNBase.Todo")


ggplot(segovia) +
  geom_spatraster_rgb(data = tile, maxcell = Inf) +
  geom_sf(fill = NA)

# Another provider

tile2 <- esp_getTiles(segovia, type = "MDT")

ggplot(segovia) +
  geom_spatraster_rgb(data = tile2, maxcell = Inf) +
  geom_sf(fill = NA)

# A custom WMS provided

custom_wms <- esp_make_provider(
  id = "an_id_for_caching",
  q = "",
  service = "WMS",
  version = "1.3.0",
  format = "image/png",
  layers = "geolog_cyl_litologia"

custom_wms_tile <- esp_getTiles(segovia, custom_wms)

autoplot(custom_wms_tile, maxcell = Inf) +
  geom_sf(data = segovia, fill = NA, color = "red")

# A custom WMTS provider

custom_wmts <- esp_make_provider(
  id = "cyl_wmts",
  q = "",
  service = "WMTS",
  layer = "OI.OrthoimageCoverage"

custom_wmts_tile <- esp_getTiles(segovia, custom_wmts)

autoplot(custom_wmts_tile, maxcell = Inf) +
  geom_sf(data = segovia, fill = NA, color = "white", linewidth = 2)

# Example from
cartodb_voyager <- list(
  id = "CartoDB_Voyager",
  q = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
cartodb <- esp_getTiles(segovia, cartodb_voyager, zoommin = 1)

autoplot(cartodb, maxcell = Inf) +
  geom_sf(data = segovia, fill = NA, color = "black", linewidth = 1)

## End(Not run)

[Package mapSpain version 0.9.1 Index]