addProviderEspTiles |
Include base tiles of Spanish public administrations on a 'leaflet' map |
esp_check_access |
Check access to SIANE data |
esp_clear_cache |
Clear your 'mapSpain' cache dir |
esp_codelist |
Database with codes and names of spanish regions |
esp_detect_cache_dir |
Detect cache dir for 'mapSpain' |
esp_dict_region_code |
Convert and translate subdivision names |
esp_dict_translate |
Convert and translate subdivision names |
esp_getTiles |
Get static tiles from public administrations of Spain |
esp_get_can_box |
Get 'sf' lines and polygons for insetting the Canary Islands |
esp_get_can_provinces |
Get 'sf' lines and polygons for insetting the Canary Islands |
esp_get_capimun |
Get 'sf' 'POINT' of the municipalities of Spain |
esp_get_ccaa |
Get Autonomous Communities of Spain as 'sf' 'POLYGON' or 'POINT' |
esp_get_ccaa_siane |
Get Autonomous Communities of Spain as 'sf' 'POLYGON' or 'POINT' |
esp_get_comarca |
Get 'comarcas' of Spain as 'sf' 'POLYGON' |
esp_get_country |
Get 'sf' 'POLYGON' representing Spain |
esp_get_gridmap |
Get a 'sf' hexbin or squared 'POLYGON' of Spain |
esp_get_grid_BDN |
Get 'sf' 'POLYGON' with the national geographic grids from BDN |
esp_get_grid_BDN_ccaa |
Get 'sf' 'POLYGON' with the national geographic grids from BDN |
esp_get_grid_ccaa |
Get a 'sf' hexbin or squared 'POLYGON' of Spain |
esp_get_grid_EEA |
Get 'sf' 'POLYGON' of the national geographic grids from EEA |
esp_get_grid_ESDAC |
Get 'sf' 'POLYGON' of the national geographic grids from ESDAC |
esp_get_grid_MTN |
Get 'sf' 'POLYGON' of the national geographic grids from IGN |
esp_get_grid_prov |
Get a 'sf' hexbin or squared 'POLYGON' of Spain |
esp_get_hex_ccaa |
Get a 'sf' hexbin or squared 'POLYGON' of Spain |
esp_get_hex_prov |
Get a 'sf' hexbin or squared 'POLYGON' of Spain |
esp_get_hydrobasin |
Get 'sf' 'POLYGON' of the drainage basin demarcations of Spain |
esp_get_hypsobath |
Get 'sf' 'POLYGON' or 'LINESTRING' with hypsometry and bathymetry of Spain |
esp_get_munic |
Get municipalities of Spain as 'sf' 'POLYGON' |
esp_get_munic_siane |
Get municipalities of Spain as 'sf' 'POLYGON' |
esp_get_nuts |
Get NUTS of Spain as 'sf' 'POLYGON' or 'POINT' |
esp_get_prov |
Get Provinces of Spain as 'sf' 'POLYGON' or 'POINT' |
esp_get_prov_siane |
Get Provinces of Spain as 'sf' 'POLYGON' or 'POINT' |
esp_get_railway |
Get 'sf' 'LINESTRING' or 'POINT' with the railways of Spain |
esp_get_rivers |
Get 'sf' 'POLYGON' or 'LINESTRING' of rivers, channels and other wetlands of Spain |
esp_get_roads |
Get 'sf' 'LINESTRING' of the roads of Spain |
esp_get_simpl_ccaa |
Get a simplified map of provinces and autonomous communities of Spain |
esp_get_simpl_prov |
Get a simplified map of provinces and autonomous communities of Spain |
esp_make_provider |
Create a custom tile provider |
esp_move_can |
Displace a 'sf' object located in the Canary Islands |
esp_munic.sf |
'sf' object with all the municipalities of Spain (2019) |
esp_nuts.sf |
'sf' object with all the NUTS levels of Spain (2016) |
esp_set_cache_dir |
Set your 'mapSpain' cache dir |
esp_tiles_providers |
Database of public WMS and WMTS of Spain |
pobmun19 |
Database with the population of Spain by municipality (2019) |
providerEspTileOptions |
Include base tiles of Spanish public administrations on a 'leaflet' map |