manipulateWidget {manipulateWidget} | R Documentation |
Add Controls to Interactive Plots
This function permits to add controls to an interactive plot created with
packages like dygraphs
, highcharter
or plotly
in order
to change the input data or the parameters of the plot.
Technically, the function starts a shiny gadget. The R session is bloqued until the user clicks on "cancel" or "done". If he clicks on "done", then the the function returns the last displayed plot so the user can modify it and/or save it.
.updateBtn = FALSE,
.saveBtn = TRUE,
.exportBtn = TRUE,
.exportType = c("html2canvas", "webshot"),
.viewer = c("pane", "window", "browser"),
.compare = NULL,
.compareOpts = compareOptions(),
.translations = mwTranslations(),
.return = function(widget, envs) { widget },
.width = NULL,
.height = NULL,
.runApp = TRUE
.expr |
expression to evaluate that returns an interactive plot of class
... |
One or more named control arguments created with functions
.updateBtn |
Should an update button be added to the controls ? If
.saveBtn |
Should an save button be added to the controls ? For saving output as html. Does not work in RStudio Viewer |
.exportBtn |
Should an export button be added to the controls ? For saving output as png. Does not work in RStudio Viewer |
.exportType |
.viewer |
Controls where the gadget should be displayed. |
.compare |
Sometimes one wants to compare the same chart but with two
different sets of parameters. This is the purpose of this argument. It can
be a character vector of input names or a named list whose names are the
names of the inputs that should vary between the two charts. Each element
of the list must be a vector or a list of length equal to the number of
charts with the initial values of the corresponding parameter for each
chart. It can also be |
.compareOpts |
List of options created |
.translations |
List of translation strings created with function
.return |
A function that can be used to modify the output of
.width |
Width of the UI. Used only on Rmarkdown documents with option
.height |
Height of the UI. Used only on Rmarkdown documents with option
.runApp |
(advanced usage) If true, a shiny gadget is started. If false,
the function returns a |
The result of the expression evaluated with the last values of the controls.
It should be an object of class htmlWidget
Advanced Usage
The "normal" use of the function is to provide an expression that always
return an htmlwidget
. In such case, every time the user changes the
value of an input, the current widget is destroyed and a new one is created
and rendered.
Some packages provide functions to update a widget that has already been
rendered. This is the case for instance for package leaflet
with the
function leafletProxy
. To use such functions,
evaluates the parameter .expr
with four extra
if the expression is evaluated for the first time and then the widget has not been rendered yet,FALSE
if the widget has already been rendered..session
: A shiny session object..output
: ID of the output in the shiny
: Id of the chart. It can be used in comparison mode to make further customization without the need to create additional input controls.
You can take a look at the last example to see how to use these two variables to update a leaflet widget.
Modify the returned widget
In some specific situations, a developer may want to use
in a function that waits the user to click on the
"Done" button and modifies the widget returned by manipulateWidget
In such situation, parameter .return
should be used so that
is the last function called. Indeed, if other code
is present after, the custom function will act very weird in a Rmarkdown
document with "runtime: shiny".
# Basic example with fake data
if (require(dygraphs)) {
mydata <- data.frame(period = 1:100, value = rnorm(100))
manipulateWidget(dygraph(mydata[range[1]:range[2], ], main = title),
range = mwSlider(1, 100, c(1, 100)),
title = mwText("Fictive time series"))
# Let use manipulateWidget to explore the evolution of energy consumption in
# the world
if (require(plotly)) {
# Function that generates a chart representing the evolution of energy
# consumption per country. Creating a function is not necessary. We do it
# for clarity and reuse in the different examples.
plotEnergyUse <- function(Country, Period, lwd = 2, col = "gray") {
dataset <- subset(
country == Country & year >= Period[1] & year <= Period[2]
plot_ly(dataset) %>%
add_lines(~year, ~energy_used, line = list(width = lwd, color = col)) %>%
layout(title = paste("Energy used in", Country))
# Launch the interactive visualisation
plotEnergyUse(Country, Period),
Period = mwSlider(1960, 2014, c(1960, 2014)),
Country = mwSelect(sort(unique(worldEnergyUse$country)), "United States")
# Directly start comparison mode
plotEnergyUse(Country, Period),
Period = mwSlider(1960, 2014, c(1960, 2014)),
Country = mwSelect(sort(unique(worldEnergyUse$country))),
.compare = list(Country = c("United States", "China")),
.compareOpts = compareOptions(ncol = 2)
# Dynamic input parameters
# The arguments of an input can depend on the values of other inputs.
# In this example, when the user changes the region, the choices of input
# "Country" are updated with the countries of that region.
# First we create a list that contains for each region the countries in that
# retion
refRegions <- by(worldEnergyUse$country, worldEnergyUse$region,
function(x) as.character(sort(unique(x))))
plotEnergyUse(Country, Period),
Period = mwSlider(1960, 2014, c(1960, 2014)),
Region = mwSelect(sort(unique(worldEnergyUse$region))),
Country = mwSelect(choices = refRegions[[Region]])
# Grouping inputs
# Inputs can be visually grouped with function mwGroup()
plotEnergyUse(Country, Period, lwd, col),
Period = mwSlider(1960, 2014, c(1960, 2014)),
Country = mwSelect(sort(unique(worldEnergyUse$country)), "United States"),
`Graphical Parameters` = mwGroup(
lwd = mwSlider(1,10, 2, label = "Line Width"),
col = mwSelect(choices = c("gray", "black", "red"))
# Conditional inputs
# Inputs can be displayed or hidden depending on the state of other inputs.
# In this example, user can choose to display the level of aggregation
# (region or country). Depending on the choixe, the application displays
# input Region or input Country.
plotEnergyUseRegion <- function(Region, Period, lwd = 2, col = "gray") {
dataset <- subset(
region == Region & year >= Period[1] & year <= Period[2]
dataset <- aggregate(energy_used ~ year, sum, data = dataset)
plot_ly(dataset) %>%
add_lines(~year, ~energy_used, line = list(width = lwd, color = col)) %>%
layout(title = paste("Energy used in", Region))
if (Level == "Region") {
plotEnergyUseRegion(Region, Period)
} else {
plotEnergyUse(Country, Period)
Period = mwSlider(1960, 2014, c(1960, 2014)),
Level = mwSelect(c("Region", "Country")),
Region = mwSelect(sort(unique(worldEnergyUse$region)),
.display = Level == "Region"),
Country = mwSelect(sort(unique(worldEnergyUse$country)),
.display = Level == "Country")
# Advanced Usage
# --------------
# When .expr is evaluated with tehnical variables:
# .initial: is it the first evaluation?
# .outputId: integer representing the id of the chart
# .output: shiny output id
# .session: shiny session
# They can be used to update an already rendered widget instead of replacing
# it each time an input value is modified.
# In this example, we represent on a map, the energy use of countries.
# When the user changes an input, the map is not redrawn. Only the circle
# markers are updated.
if (require(leaflet)) {
plotMap <- function(Year, MaxRadius = 30, .initial, .session, .output) {
dataset <- subset(worldEnergyUse, year == Year)
radius <- sqrt(dataset$energy_used) /
max(sqrt(worldEnergyUse$energy_used), na.rm = TRUE) * MaxRadius
if (.initial) { # map has not been rendered yet
map <- leaflet() %>% addTiles()
} else { # map already rendered
map <- leafletProxy(.output, .session) %>% clearMarkers()
map %>% addCircleMarkers(dataset$long, dataset$lat, radius = radius,
color = "gray", weight = 0, fillOpacity = 0.7)
plotMap(Year, MaxRadius, .initial, .session, .output),
Year = mwSlider(1960, 2014, 2014),
MaxRadius = mwSlider(10, 50, 20)