Add Even More Interactivity to Interactive Charts

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Documentation for package ‘manipulateWidget’ version 0.11.1

Help Pages

manipulateWidget-package Add even more interactivity to interactive charts
combineWidgets Combine several interactive plots
combineWidgets-shiny Shiny bindings for combineWidgets
combineWidgetsOutput Shiny bindings for combineWidgets
compareOptions Options for comparison mode
knit_print.MWController knit_print method for MWController object
manipulateWidget Add Controls to Interactive Plots
mwCheckbox Add a checkbox to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwCheckboxGroup Add a group of checkboxes to a manipulateWidget gadget
MWController Controller object of a manipulateWidget application
MWController-class Controller object of a manipulateWidget application
mwDate Add a date picker to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwDateRange Add a date range picker to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwGroup Group inputs in a collapsible box
mwModule Add a manipulateWidget to a shiny application
mwModuleUI Add a manipulateWidget to a shiny application
mwNumeric Add a numeric input to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwPassword Add a password to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwRadio Add radio buttons to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwSelect Add a Select list input to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwSelectize Add a Select list input to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwSharedValue Shared Value
mwSlider Add a Slider to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwText Add a text input to a manipulateWidget gadget
mwTranslations Translate UI titles and labels
renderCombineWidgets Shiny bindings for combineWidgets
staticImage Include a static image in a combinedWidgets
staticPlot Include a static image in a combinedWidgets
summary.MWController summary method for MWController object
worldEnergyUse Evolution of energy use per country