An R Wrapper for the Java Mallet Topic Modeling Toolkit

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Documentation for package ‘mallet’ version 1.3.0

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mallet-package An R Wrapper for the Java Mallet Topic Modeling Toolkit
load.mallet.instances Load and save mallet instances from/to file
load.mallet.state Load a Mallet state into Mallet
mallet.doc.topics Retrieve a matrix of topic weights for every document
mallet.import Import text documents into Mallet format
mallet.jar Return the mallet jar filename(s) Import documents from a directory into Mallet format
mallet.stoplist.file.path Return the file path to the mallet stoplists
mallet.subset.topic.words Estimate topic-word distributions from a sub-corpus
mallet.supported.stoplists Mallet supported stoplists Get the most probable words and their probabilities for one topic
mallet.topic.hclust Return a hierarchical clustering of topics
mallet.topic.labels Get strings containing the most probable words for each topic
mallet.topic.model.load Load (read) and save (write) a topic from a file Load (read) and save (write) a topic from a file Load (read) and save (write) a topic from a file
mallet.topic.model.write Load (read) and save (write) a topic from a file
mallet.topic.words Retrieve a matrix of words weights for topics
mallet.word.freqs Descriptive statistics of word frequencies
MalletLDA Create a Mallet topic model trainer
mallet_jar Return the mallet jar filename(s)
mallet_stoplist_file_path Return the file path to the mallet stoplists
mallet_supported_stoplists Mallet supported stoplists
save.mallet.instances Load and save mallet instances from/to file
save.mallet.state Save a Mallet state to file
sotu State of the Union Adresses.