MAle Lineage ANalysis

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Documentation for package ‘malan’ version 1.0.3

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A B C D E F G H I L M P R S T Y misc

malan-package MAle Lineage ANalysis

-- A --

analyse_mixture_result Analyse mixture results
analyse_mixture_results Analyse mixture results in a vectorised fashion
as_tbl_graph.malan_pedigreelist Get tidy graph object

-- B --

brothers_matching Number of brothers with matching haplotype
build_haplotype_hashmap Build hashmap of haplotype to individuals
build_pedigrees Build pedigrees from (individuals in) a population.

-- C --

calc_autosomal_genotype_conditional_cumdist Calculate conditional genotype cumulative probabilities with theta
calc_autosomal_genotype_probs Calculate genotype probabilities with theta
construct_M Construct M matrix
count_brothers Number of brothers
count_haplotype_near_matches_individuals Count near haplotype matches in list of individuals
count_haplotype_occurrences_individuals Count haplotypes occurrences in list of individuals
count_haplotype_occurrences_pedigree Count haplotypes occurrences in pedigree
count_uncles Number of uncles

-- D --

delete_haplotypeids_hashmap Delete haplotype hashmap

-- E --

estimate_autotheta_1subpop_genotypes Estimate autosomal theta from genotypes
estimate_autotheta_1subpop_individuals Estimate autosomal theta from individuals
estimate_autotheta_subpops_genotypes Estimate autosomal F, theta, and f from subpopulations of genotypes
estimate_autotheta_subpops_individuals Estimate autosomal F, theta, and f from subpopulations of individuals
estimate_autotheta_subpops_pids Estimate autosomal F, theta, and f from subpopulations of individual ids
estimate_autotheta_subpops_unweighted_genotypes Unweighted estimate of autosomal theta from subpopulations of genotypes
estimate_autotheta_subpops_unweighted_pids Unweighted estimate of autosomal theta from subpopulations of individual ids

-- F --

father_matches Father matches
from_igraph Convert igraph to population
from_igraph_rcpp Generate paternal brothers population

-- G --

generate_get_founder_haplotype_db Generate a function to simulate pedigree founder haplotype based on a haplotype databasep
generate_get_founder_haplotype_ladder Generate a function to simulate pedigree founder haplotype based on ladder information
get_allele_counts_genotypes Get autosomal allele counts from subpopulations of genotypes
get_allele_counts_pids Get autosomal allele counts from subpopulations given by pids
get_brothers Get brothers
get_children Get children
get_cousins Get cousins
get_family_info Get individual's family information
get_father Get father
get_generation Get individual's generation number
get_haplotype Get haplotype from an individual
get_haplotypes_individuals Get haplotype matrix from list of individuals
get_haplotypes_in_pedigree Get haplotypes in pedigree
get_haplotypes_pids Get haplotypes from a vector of pids.
get_individual Get individual by pid
get_individuals Get all individuals in population
get_matching_pids_from_hashmap Get individuals with a certain haplotype id by hashmap lookup
get_nodes_edges Get nodes and edges
get_pedigrees_tidy Get pedigrees information in tidy format
get_pedigree_as_graph Get pedigree information as graph (mainly intended for plotting)
get_pedigree_from_individual Get pedigree from individual
get_pedigree_id Get pedigree id
get_pedigree_id_from_pid Get pedigree ids from pids
get_pid Get pid from individual
get_pids_in_pedigree Get pids in pedigree
get_uncles Get uncles
get_zero_haplotype_generator Generate a function to generate the zero haplotype
grandfather_matches Grandfather matches

-- H --

haplotypes_to_hashes Convert haplotypes to hashes (integers)
haplotype_matches_individuals Get individuals matching from list of individuals
haplotype_partially_matches_individuals Get individuals partially matching from list of individuals

-- I --

infer_generation Infer individual's generation number
infer_generations Infer generation numbers from pedigrees

-- L --

load_haplotypes Load haplotypes to individuals
load_individuals Construct a population from data

-- M --

malan MAle Lineage ANalysis
meioses_generation_distribution Meiotic distribution
meiotic_dist Meiotic distance between two individuals
meiotic_dist_threshold Meiotic distance between two individuals (with threshold)
meiotic_radius Meiotic radius
mixture_info_by_individuals_2pers Mixture information about 2 persons' mixture of donor1 and donor2.
mixture_info_by_individuals_3pers Mixture information about 3 persons' mixture of donor1, donor2 and donor3.
mixture_info_by_individuals_4pers Mixture information about 4 persons' mixture of donor1, donor2, donor3 and donor4.
mixture_info_by_individuals_5pers Mixture information about 5 persons' mixture of donor1, donor2, donor3, donor4 and donor5.

-- P --

pedigrees_all_populate_autosomal Populate 1-locus autosomal DNA profile in pedigrees with single-step mutation model.
pedigrees_all_populate_haplotypes Populate haplotypes in pedigrees (0-founder/unbounded).
pedigrees_all_populate_haplotypes_custom_founders Populate haplotypes in pedigrees (custom founder/unbounded).
pedigrees_all_populate_haplotypes_ladder_bounded Populate haplotypes in pedigrees (custom founder/bounded).
pedigrees_count Get number of pedigrees
pedigrees_table Get distribution of pedigree sizes
pedigree_as_igraph Convert pedigree to igraph
pedigree_haplotype_matches_in_pedigree_meiosis_L1_dists Information about matching individuals
pedigree_haplotype_near_matches_meiosis Information about almost matching individuals
pedigree_size Get pedigree size
pedigree_size_generation Size of pedigree
plot.malan_pedigree Plot pedigree
plot.malan_pedigreelist Plot pedigree list
population_populate_autosomal_infinite_alleles Populate 1-locus autosomal DNA profile in pedigrees with infinite alleles mutation model.
population_size_generation Size of population
print.malan_pedigree Print pedigree
print.malan_pedigreelist Print pedigree list
print.malan_population Print population
print.malan_population_abort Print 'malan_population_abort'
print_individual Print individual

-- R --

relationship_allele_diff_dist Calculate distribution of allele difference
relationship_allele_diff_dist_sym Calculate distribution of allele difference for symmetric mutation rates

-- S --

sample_autosomal_genotype Sample genotype with theta
sample_geneology Simulate a geneology with constant population size.
sample_geneology_varying_size Simulate a geneology with varying population size.
set_generation Set individual's generation number
split_by_haplotypes Split pids by haplotype

-- T --

test_create_population Generate test population

-- Y --

ystr_kits Kit information about Y-STR markers
ystr_markers Mutational information about Y-STR markers

-- misc --

[[.malan_pedigreelist Get pedigree from pedigree list
[[.malan_population Get individual from population by pid