compile_stan {makemyprior}R Documentation

Compile stan-model


Function that compiles the stan-code for inference that is included in the model. The compiled version is stored in a .rds-file, which is by default stored in tempdir(). Can also be stored in the package (permanent = TRUE), or in a custom directory. In the latter case, this custom directory must be specified every time inference_stan is called. This will also be done by inference_stan, but this way can save some time if it is not already pre-compiled.


compile_stan(save = FALSE, permanent = FALSE, path = NULL)



Whether to save stan-file to location in package or not, defaults to FALSE. Must be in interactive session to save the object to a file.


If TRUE, the file is stored in the package directory. If FALSE (default), the file is saved in tempdir().


Only used if file cannot be saved in the package folder. This is a path to a folder where the file is stored, do not specify a name for the file! (It will be called "full_file.rds", and should not be changed.) This argument makes the permanent argument being ignored.


Note that you will get a message saying something about integer division. The PC priors on variance proportions are represented by splines, and to evaluate them in Stan we look up values, and use integer division for this. This does not cause problems.


Returns the stan-model invisibly.


if (interactive() && requireNamespace("rstan")){
  compile_stan(save = TRUE) # saving in tempdir()

[Package makemyprior version 1.2.1 Index]