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Documentation for package ‘lvmisc’ version 0.1.2

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%!in% Value matching
abort_argument Abort based on issues with function argument
abort_argument_class Abort based on issues with function argument
abort_argument_diff_length Abort based on issues with function argument
abort_argument_length Abort based on issues with function argument
abort_argument_type Abort based on issues with function argument
abort_argument_value Abort based on issues with function argument
abort_column_not_found Abort based on column not being found in a data frame
abort_no_method_for_class Abort method if class is not implemented
abort_package_not_installed Abort if required package is not installed
accuracy Model accuracy
accuracy.default Model accuracy
accuracy.lm Model accuracy
accuracy.lmerMod Model accuracy
accuracy.lvmisc_cv Model accuracy
as_percent 'percent' vector
bias Bias
bmi Compute body mass index (BMI)
bmi_cat Classify body mass index (BMI) category
center_variable Center variable
cl Clear the console
clean_observations Clean observations
compare_accuracy Compare models accuracy
create_proj Create a project
divide_by_quantile Divide variable based on quantiles
error Error
error_abs Absolute error
error_abs_pct Absolute percent error
error_pct Percent error
error_sqr Squared error
get_cv_fixed_eff Extract information from the trained models from a cross-validation
get_cv_r2 Extract information from the trained models from a cross-validation
is_outlier Check whether value is outlier
is_percent 'percent' vector
le Last error
lna Number of elements in a vector.
loa Limits of agreement
loo_cv Leave-one-out cross-validation
loo_cv.default Leave-one-out cross-validation
loo_cv.lm Leave-one-out cross-validation
loo_cv.lmerMod Leave-one-out cross-validation
lt Last error
lunique Number of elements in a vector.
mean_error Mean error
mean_error_abs Mean absolute error
mean_error_abs_pct Mean absolute percent error
mean_error_pct Mean percent error
mean_error_sqr Mean square error
mean_error_sqr_root Root mean square error
notin Value matching
pa Print all rows of a data frame or tibble
percent 'percent' vector
percent_change Computes the percent change
plots Quick plotting
plot_bland_altman Create a Bland-Altman plot
plot_hist Quick plotting
plot_line Quick plotting
plot_model Plot model diagnostics
plot_model_cooks_distance Plot model diagnostics
plot_model_multicollinearity Plot model diagnostics
plot_model_qq Plot model diagnostics
plot_model_residual_fitted Plot model diagnostics
plot_model_scale_location Plot model diagnostics
plot_qq Quick plotting
plot_scatter Quick plotting
r2 Compute R squared
r2.default Compute R squared
r2.lm Compute R squared
r2.lmerMod Compute R squared
repeat_baseline_values Repeat baseline levels
tb Capture a backtrace
vif Variance inflation factor
vif.default Variance inflation factor
vif.lm Variance inflation factor
vif.lmerMod Variance inflation factor