FigureOfMerit {lulcc}R Documentation

Create a FigureOfMerit object


Calculate the figure of merit at different levels and at different resolutions for a reference map at time 1, a reference map at time 2 and a simulated map at time 2.


FigureOfMerit(x, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'RasterLayer'
FigureOfMerit(x, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ThreeMapComparison'
FigureOfMerit(x, ...)



a ThreeMapComparison object or RasterLayer


additional arguments to ThreeMapComparison. Only required if x is not a ThreeMapComparison object


In land use change modelling the figure of merit is the intersection of observed change and simulated change divided by the union of these, with a range of 0 (perfect disagreement) to 1 (perfect agreement). It is useful to calculate the figure of merit at three levels: (1) considering all possible transitions from all land use categories, (2) considering all transitions from specific land use categories and (3) considering a specific transition from one land use category to another.


A FigureOfMerit object.


Pontius Jr, R.G., Peethambaram, S., Castella, J.C. (2011). Comparison of three maps at multiple resolutions: a case study of land change simulation in Cho Don District, Vietnam. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 101(1): 45-62.

See Also

plot.FigureOfMerit, ThreeMapComparison


## see lulcc-package examples

[Package lulcc version 1.0.4 Index]