Land Use Change Modelling in R

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Documentation for package ‘lulcc’ version 1.0.4

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lulcc-package lulcc: land use change modelling in R
AgreementBudget Create an AgreementBudget object
AgreementBudget-class Class AgreementBudget
AgreementBudget-method Create an AgreementBudget object
allocate Allocate land use change spatially
allocate-method Allocate land use change spatially
allow Implement decision rules for land use change
allowNeighb Implement neighbourhood decision rules
approxExtrapDemand Extrapolate land use area in time Coerce objects to data.frame Coerce objects to data.frame Coerce objects to data.frame
c.PredictiveModelList Merge PredictiveModelList objects
CategoryLabel-class Virtual class CategoryLabel
CluesModel Create a CluesModel object
CluesModel-class Class CluesModel
CluesModel-method Create a CluesModel object
compareAUC Calculate the area under the ROC curve (AUC)
compareAUC-method Calculate the area under the ROC curve (AUC)
crossTabulate Cross tabulate land use transitions
crossTabulate-method Cross tabulate land use transitions
ExpVarRasterList Create an ExpVarRasterList object
ExpVarRasterList-class Class ExpVarRasterList
ExpVarRasterList-method Create an ExpVarRasterList object
Extract by index Extract by index
FigureOfMerit Create a FigureOfMerit object
FigureOfMerit-class Class FigureOfMerit
FigureOfMerit-method Create a FigureOfMerit object
getPredictiveModelInputData Extract data to fit predictive models
glmModels Fit predictive models
Model fitting Fit predictive models
Model-class Virtual class Model
NeighbRasterStack Create a NeighbRasterStack object
NeighbRasterStack-class Class NeighbRasterStack
NeighbRasterStack-method Create a NeighbRasterStack object
ObsLulcRasterStack Create an ObsLulcRasterStack object
ObsLulcRasterStack-class Class ObsLulcRasterStack
ObsLulcRasterStack-method Create an ObsLulcRasterStack object
OrderedModel Create an OrderedModel object
OrderedModel-class Class OrderedModel
OrderedModel-method Create an OrderedModel object
partition Partition raster data
performance Create ROCR performance objects
performance-method Create ROCR performance objects
PerformanceList Create a PerformanceList object
PerformanceList-class Class PerformanceList
pie Land use change dataset for Plum Island Ecosystem
plot Plot method for objects based on Raster* data
plot-method Plot method for AgreementBudget objects
plot-method Plot method for FigureOfMerit objects
plot-method Plot method for PerformanceList objects
plot-method Plot method for objects based on Raster* data
plot.AgreementBudget Plot method for AgreementBudget objects
plot.FigureOfMerit Plot method for FigureOfMerit objects
plot.Model Plot method for objects based on Raster* data
plot.ObsLulcRasterStack Plot method for objects based on Raster* data
plot.PerformanceList Plot method for PerformanceList objects
plot.ThreeMapComparison Plot method for objects based on Raster* data
predict-method Predict location suitability
predict.PredictiveModelList Predict location suitability
PredictionList Create a PredictionList object
PredictionList-class Class PredictionList
PredictiveModelList-class Class PredictiveModelList
randomForestModels Fit predictive models
resample-method Resample maps in ExpVarRasterList object or list
roundSum Round elements in matrix or data.frame rows
rpartModels Fit predictive models
show-method Show
sibuyan Land use change dataset for Sibuyan Island
subset-method Subset
summary Summary
summary-method Summary
ThreeMapComparison Evaluate allocation performance with three maps
ThreeMapComparison-class Class ThreeMapComparison
ThreeMapComparison-method Evaluate allocation performance with three maps
total Total number of cells in a categorical Raster* object
[[-method Extract by index