Linear Quantile Mixture Models

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Documentation for package ‘lqmix’ version 1.0

Help Pages

lqmix-package Overview of the package 'lqmix'
cd4 CD4 Data
coef.lqmix Print the estimated fixed coefficients of an 'lqmix' object
coef.lqr Print the estimated fixed coefficients of an 'lqr' object
coef.search_lqmix Print the estimated fixed coefficients of the optimal model stored in a 'search_lqmix' object
dal Density of the Asymmetric Laplace distribution
logLik.lqmix Print the log-likelihood of an 'lqmix' object
logLik.lqr Print the log-likelihood of an 'lqr' object
logLik.search_lqmix Print the log-likelihood of the optimal model stored in a 'search_lqmix' object
lqmix Linear Quantile Mixture with TC and/or TV, discrete, random coefficients
lqr Linear Quantile Regression
pain Pain Data
plot.lqmix Plots for lqmix objects
plot.search_lqmix Plots for search_lqmix objects
print.lqmix Print an 'lqmix' object
print.lqr Print an 'lqr' object
print.search_lqmix Print a 'search_lqmix' object
print.summary.lqmix Print the Summary of an 'lqmix' object
print.summary.lqr Print the Summary of an 'lqr' object
search_lqmix Search the Global Maximum of a Linear Quantile Mixture
summary.lqmix Summary of an 'lqmix' Object
summary.lqr Summary of an 'lqr' object
varAL Variance of Asymmetric Laplace random variables