PrintGeneList {lpc} | R Documentation |
Print the list of genes with highest LPC scores
Takes the output of a call to LPC function, and prints out the (T and LPC) scores and names of the top-scoring genes. It can (optionally) also print out FDRs for the T and LPC scores.
PrintGeneList(lpc.obj, numGenes=100,gene.names=NULL, lpcfdr.out=NULL)
lpc.obj |
Output of a call to LPC. |
numGenes |
Desired length of list of top genes. |
gene.names |
Vector containing gene names; should have length equal to the number of genes in the data set. |
lpcfdr.out |
Optional paramater, it is the output of the function EstimateLPCFDR. If this is passed in, then FDRs for LPC and T will also be printed. |
Nothing is returned.
Daniela M. Witten and Robert Tibshirani
Witten, D.M. and Tibshirani, R. (2008) Testing significance of features by lassoed principal components. Annals of Applied Statistics.
# Not running due to timing
#n <- 40 # 40 samples
#p <- 1000 # 1000 genes
#x <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow=p) # make 40x1000 gene expression matrix
#y <- rnorm(n) # quantitative outcome
## make first 50 genes differentially-expressed
#x[1:25,y<(-.5)] <- x[1:25,y<(-.5)]+ 1.5
#x[26:50,y<0] <- x[26:50,y<0] - 1.5
## compute LPC and T scores for each gene
#lpc.obj <- LPC(x,y, type="regression")
## Look at plot of Predictive Advantage
#pred.adv <- PredictiveAdvantage(x,y,type="regression",soft.thresh=lpc.obj$soft.thresh)
## Estimate FDRs for LPC and T scores
#fdr.lpc.out <- EstimateLPCFDR(x,y,type="regression",
## Estimate FDRs for T scores only. This is quicker than computing FDRs
## for LPC scores, and should be used when only T FDRs are needed. If we
## started with the same random seed, then EstimateTFDR and EstimateLPCFDR
## would give same T FDRs.
#fdr.t.out <- EstimateTFDR(x,y, type="regression")
## print out results of main function
## print out info about T FDRs
## print out info about LPC FDRs
## Compare FDRs for T and LPC on 6% of genes. In this example, LPC has
## lower FDR.
## Print out names of 20 genes with highest LPC scores, along with their
## LPC and T scores.
## Print out names of 20 genes with highest LPC scores, along with their
## LPC and T scores and their FDRs for LPC and T.
## Now, repeating everything that we did before, but using a
## **survival** outcome
#n <- 40 # 40 samples
#p <- 1000 # 1000 genes
#x <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow=p) # make 40x1000 gene expression matrix
#y <- rnorm(n) + 10 # survival times; must be positive
## censoring outcome: 0 or 1
#cens <- rep(1,40) # Assume all observations are complete
## make first 50 genes differentially-expressed
#x[1:25,y<9.5] <- x[1:25,y<9.5]+ 1.5
#x[26:50,y<10] <- x[26:50,y<10] - 1.5
#lpc.obj <- LPC(x,y, type="survival", censoring.status=cens)
## Look at plot of Predictive Advantage
#pred.adv <- PredictiveAdvantage(x,y,type="survival",
#soft.thresh=lpc.obj$soft.thresh, censoring.status=cens)
## Estimate FDRs for LPC scores and T scores
#fdr.lpc.out <- EstimateLPCFDR(x,y,type="survival",
## Estimate FDRs for T scores only. This is quicker than computing FDRs
## for LPC scores, and should be used when only T FDRs are needed. If we
## started with the same random seed, then EstimateTFDR and EstimateLPCFDR
## would give same T FDRs.
#fdr.t.out <- EstimateTFDR(x,y, type="survival", censoring.status=cens)
## print out results of main function
## print out info about T FDRs
## print out info about LPC FDRs
## Compare FDRs for T and LPC scores on 10% of genes.
## Print out names of 20 genes with highest LPC scores, along with their
## LPC and T scores.
## Print out names of 20 genes with highest LPC scores, along with their
## LPC and T scores and their FDRs for LPC and T.
[Package lpc version Index]