lmfor-package | Functions of Lauri Mehtatalo |
afterthin | Increment core data of Scots pine trees |
alsTree | Individual tree characteristics and ALS data |
area_esh | Estimate stand density using a Horvitz-Thompson-like estimator |
BrkRes | Breaking resistance (=bending strength) of birch wood samples |
cart_to_polar | Estimate forest characteristics of interest in circular plot sampling using a Horvitz-Thompson-like estimator |
circle | Plot circles of a specified radius |
ddcomp | Evaluate the fit of a tree diameter distribution |
detectability_cps | Estimate forest characteristics of interest in circular plot sampling using a Horvitz-Thompson-like estimator |
dll | The Four-parameter Logit-logistic Distribution |
dPercbas | The Percentile-based Distribution |
fithd | Fit a Height-Diameter model to forest tree data using functions of package 'nlme'. |
foto | CO2 exchange of transplanted Sphagnum fuscum moss in a chronosequence of mires. |
func.recweib1 | Recovery of Weibull parameters of tree diameter distribution using measured stand characteristics |
func.recweib2 | Recovery of Weibull parameters of tree diameter distribution using measured stand characteristics |
gg_wind | Estimate stand density using a Horvitz-Thompson-like estimator |
HDcurtis | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDgomperz | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDhossfeldIV | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDkorf | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDlogistic | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDmeyer | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDmichailoff | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDmicment | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDmicment2 | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDmodels | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDnaslund | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDnaslund2 | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDnaslund3 | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDnaslund4 | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDpower | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDprodan | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDratkowsky | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDrichards | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDsibbesen | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDweibull | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HDwykoff | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
HTest | Estimate stand density using a Horvitz-Thompson-like estimator |
HTest_cps | Estimate forest characteristics of interest in circular plot sampling using a Horvitz-Thompson-like estimator |
ImputeHeights | Impute missing tree heights into a forest data using a nonlinear (mixed-effects) model. |
interpolate.D | Properties of sample quantiles from a tree population described by the percentile-based diameter distribution. |
ips | Wood-decaying fungi carried by bark beetle individuals and their mites. |
linesplot | A spaghetti plot of grouped data |
lmfor | Functions of Lauri Mehtatalo |
mywhiskers | A whiskers type residual plot |
NR | Solve a Nonlinear Equation Using Newton-Raphson algorithm. |
NRnum | Solve a Systems of Nonlinear Equations Using the Newton's Method |
ordering_cps | Estimate forest characteristics of interest in circular plot sampling using a Horvitz-Thompson-like estimator |
patti | Increment core data of Scots pine trees |
plants | Sapling counts from sample plots of sapling stands in Finland. |
plants2 | Sapling counts from sample plots of sapling stands in Finland. |
pll | The Four-parameter Logit-logistic Distribution |
plot.hdmod | Diagnostic plot a Height-Diameter model residuals |
polar_to_cart | Estimate forest characteristics of interest in circular plot sampling using a Horvitz-Thompson-like estimator |
pPercbas | The Percentile-based Distribution |
predvff | The Variable Form-Factor Volume Model |
predvol | Individual tree volume functions for Finland |
qll | The Four-parameter Logit-logistic Distribution |
qPercbas | The Percentile-based Distribution |
qqplotHD | Normal QQ-plot of a fitted H-D model |
qtree.exy | Properties of sample quantiles from a tree population described by the percentile-based diameter distribution. |
qtree.jointdens | Properties of sample quantiles from a tree population described by the percentile-based diameter distribution. |
qtree.moments | Properties of sample quantiles from a tree population described by the percentile-based diameter distribution. |
qtree.varcov | Properties of sample quantiles from a tree population described by the percentile-based diameter distribution. |
recweib | Recovery of Weibull parameters of tree diameter distribution using measured stand characteristics |
rll | The Four-parameter Logit-logistic Distribution |
rPercbas | The Percentile-based Distribution |
scaleDGMean1 | The Weibull scale parameter for the given mean/median diameter and shape parameter. |
scaleDGMean2 | The Weibull scale parameter for the given mean/median diameter and shape parameter. |
scaleDGMed1 | The Weibull scale parameter for the given mean/median diameter and shape parameter. |
scaleDGMed2 | The Weibull scale parameter for the given mean/median diameter and shape parameter. |
scaleDMean1 | The Weibull scale parameter for the given mean/median diameter and shape parameter. |
scaleDMean2 | The Weibull scale parameter for the given mean/median diameter and shape parameter. |
scaleDMed1 | The Weibull scale parameter for the given mean/median diameter and shape parameter. |
scaleDMed2 | The Weibull scale parameter for the given mean/median diameter and shape parameter. |
shades | Estimate forest characteristics of interest in circular plot sampling using a Horvitz-Thompson-like estimator |
spati | Raw sample plot data of Scots pine in Ilomantsi, Finland. |
spati2 | Heights and diameters of Scots pine trees in Ilomantsi, Finland. |
startHDcurtis | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDgomperz | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDhossfeldIV | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDkorf | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDlogistic | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDmeyer | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDmichailoff | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDmicment | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDmicment2 | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDnaslund | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDnaslund2 | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDnaslund3 | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDnaslund4 | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDodels | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDpower | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDprodan | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDratkowsky | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDrichards | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDsibbesen | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDweibull | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
startHDwykoff | Available 2- and 3- parameter H-D model functions to be used by function 'fithd'. |
stumplift | Productivity of stump lifting machines. |
thefdata | Effect of thinning on individual tree growth for 62 trees. |
thinning | Effect of thinning on individual tree growth |
treevol | Individual tree volume modeling data for 8508 pine, spruce and birch trees in Finland |
triangle_coords | Estimate forest characteristics of interest in circular plot sampling using a Horvitz-Thompson-like estimator |
updown | Solve a simple equation using a step halving algorithm. |
visibility_thinning_cps | Estimate forest characteristics of interest in circular plot sampling using a Horvitz-Thompson-like estimator |
volvff | The Variable Form-Factor Volume Model |