"Eating the Liver of Data Science"

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Documentation for package ‘liver’ version 1.15

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liver-package liver: "Eating the Liver of Data Science"
accuracy Average classification accuracy
adult adult data set
advertising advertising data set
bank Bank marketing data set
cereal Cereal data set
churn Churn data set
churnCredit Churn dataset for Credit Card Customers
churnTel churnTel dataset
conf.mat Confusion Matrix
conf.mat.plot Plot Confusion Matrix
corona Corona data set
fertilizer Fertilizer data set
find.na find.na
house house data set
housePrice housePrice dataset
insurance insurance data set
kNN k-Nearest Neighbour Classification
kNN.plot Visualizing the Optimal Number of k
mae Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
marketing marketing data set
minmax Min-Max normalization
mse Mean Squared Error (MSE)
partition Partition the data
redWines Red wines data set
risk Risk data set
skewness Skewness
skim Skim a data frame to get useful summary statistics
transform Z-score normalization
whiteWines White wines data set
zscore Z-score normalization