lx_save_token {lifx}R Documentation

save a lifx API token in your r environment file


save a lifx API token in your r environment file





API token (see ?lx_save_token). If left empty, the token is retrieved from the environmental variable if available. (see lx_save_token)


To use the 'LIFX' API, you need to get a personal access token from your 'LIFX' account. Usually you save API tokens in your r environment file; that way you only have to enter it once per system. How to get a token: 1. go to https://cloud.lifx.com/sign_in and sign in (if you do not have an account, you must download the mobile app and register there. 2. generate or look up your access token

You do not need to save the token in the environment; you can use all functions in this package by passing a valid 'token' argument.


logical TRUE if saving token has been successful

See Also

lx_has_token, lx_get_token


## Not run: 
lx_save_token("asodfjawea9499fao8u4a09fw0s8fu439wfrsud7") # put your token here

## End(Not run)

[Package lifx version 0.2.0 Index]