Control 'LIFX' Smart Light Bulbs

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Documentation for package ‘lifx’ version 0.2.0

Help Pages

check_lifx_response react to 'LIFX' api response error codes
lifx LIFX': A package for controlling 'LIFX' smart bulbs
lx_check_color check if 'LIFX' color name is valid
lx_color change the state of 'LIFX' lamps
lx_color_name picking a color by name or hsbk
lx_delta Change light state relative to current state (wrapper for POST state delta
lx_effect_breathe "Breathe" effect
lx_effect_flame "Flame" effect
lx_effect_morph "Morph" effect
lx_effect_move "Move" effect
lx_effect_off Turn effects off
lx_effect_pulse "Pulse" effect
lx_GET GET request
lx_get_token retrieve lifx_token from R environment
lx_has_token check whether a lifx api token is stored in the R environment file.
lx_list_lights list available lights
lx_POST POST request
lx_PUT PUT request
lx_rate_limit get 'LIFX' API rate limit
lx_save_token save a lifx API token in your r environment file
lx_selector select lights
lx_state set light state (lifx API endpoint PUT set state)
lx_toggle Toggle light