Life Logging

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Documentation for package ‘lifelogr’ version 0.1.0

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lifelogr-package lifelogr: A package for life logging in R.
agg_sleep_weekday A function to preprocess sleep data for the Person object.
compare_groups Prints statistics on dataset, grouped by group assignments
correlation Correlation between each variable vs each measure
create_dataset Creates a dataset across data sources in a Person object
EX A subset of the data for one user for about one month, from 2017-01-19 to 2017-02-17, containing 'fitbit_daily', 'fitbit_intraday', and 'util' data frames.
experiment Do the specified analysis of the impact of the variables on the measure
get_hr_zones Calculate Heart Rate Zones.
lifelogr lifelogr: A package for life logging in R.
lifelogrApp Run the Shiny app.
l_anova ANOVA test to assess impact of all variables (together) upon each measure
l_plot Plot each variable vs each measure of interest
l_regression Performs linear regression with all variables and interactions upon each measure
merge_lists Merge a list of lists into one list
Person A 'Person' object is a complete view of an individual over a certain time period, as seen through data from multiple sources
plot_cal Plot calories over time.
plot_d Line graph for continuous variable(s).
plot_daily Plot daily health totals.
plot_daily_all Plot a series of six graphs.
plot_distance Plot distance per day over time.
plot_floors Plot number of floors per day over time.
plot_i Line graph for a single continuous variable.
plot_intraday Switch table to plot intraday variables.
plot_intraday_all Plot all intraday variables.
plot_i_active_min Line graph for a single continuous variable.
plot_i_cal Line graph for a single continuous variable.
plot_i_distance Plot distance over time.
plot_i_floors Line graph for a single continuous variable.
plot_i_hr Line graph for a single continuous variable.
plot_i_hr_datetime Line graph for a single continuous variable.
plot_i_steps Line graph for a single continuous variable.
plot_i_weight Line graph for a single continuous variable.
plot_mins_very Plot minutes 'very active' over time.
plot_rest_hr Plot resting heart rate over time.
plot_sleep Plot sleep.
plot_sleep_all Plot a series of six sleep graphs.
plot_sleep_over_time A function to plot sleep over time.
plot_sleep_quality A function to plot sleep quality over time.
plot_sleep_restless_min A function to plot the minutes of restless sleep over time.
plot_sleep_restless_prop A function to plot the proportion of restless sleep over time.
plot_sleep_start_end A function to plot sleep each night by start time and end time.
plot_sleep_weekday A function to plot sleep by day of week.
plot_steps Plot steps per day over time.
tidy_multi_meas_data Tidy daily data.