Latent Factor Mixed Models

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Documentation for package ‘lfmm’ version 1.1

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effect_size Direct effect sizes estimated from latent factor models Genetic and phenotypic data for Arabidopsis thaliana
glm_test GLM tests with latent factor mixed models
lfmm R package : Fast and Accurate statistical methods for adjusting confounding factors in association studies.
lfmm_lasso LFMM least-squares estimates with lasso penalty (Sparse LFMM)
lfmm_ridge LFMM least-squares estimates with ridge penalty
lfmm_sampler LFMM generative data sampler
lfmm_test Statistical tests with latent factor mixed models (linear models)
predict_lfmm Predict polygenic scores from latent factor models
skin.exposure Simulated (and real) methylation levels for sun exposed patient patients