Historical and Ahistorical Population Projection Matrix Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘lefko3’ version 6.2.1

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lefko3-package Historical and Ahistorical Population Projection Matrix Analysis
actualstage3 Calculate Actual Stage, Age, Stage-Pair, or Age-Stage Distributions
add_lM Add Matrices to lefkoMat Object
add_stage Add a New Stage to an Existing LefkoMat Object
aflefko2 Create Function-based Ahistorical Age x Stage Matrix Projection Model
anthyllis Matrix Set of _Anthyllis vulneraria_ Populations in Belgium
append_lP Append Projections Into New lefkoProj Object
arlefko2 Create Raw Ahistorical Age x Stage Matrix Projection Model
beverton3 Two-parameter Beverton-Holt function
cond_diff Extract Conditional Ahistorical Difference Matrices
cond_hmpm Extract Conditional Ahistorical Matrices from Historical MPM
create_lM Create lefkoMat Object from Given Input Matrices or an MPM Database
create_pm Creates a Skeleton Paramnames Object for Use in Function-based Modeling
cypdata Demographic Dataset of _Cypripedium candidum_ Population, in Horizontal Format
cypvert Demographic Dataset of _Cypripedium candidum_ Population, in Vertical Format
delete_lM Delete Matrices from lefkoMat Object
density_input Set Density Dependence Relationships in Matrix Elements
density_vr Set Density Dependence Relationships in Vital Rates
diff_lM Calculate Difference Matrices Between lefkoMat Objects of Equal Dimensions
edit_lM Edit an MPM based on Supplemental Data
elasticity3 Estimate Elasticity of Population Growth Rate to Matrix Elements
elasticity3.dgCMatrix Estimate Elasticity of Population Growth Rate of a Single Sparse Matrix
elasticity3.lefkoMat Estimate Elasticity of Population Growth Rate of a lefkoMat Object
elasticity3.list Estimate Elasticity of Population Growth Rate of a List of Matrices
elasticity3.matrix Estimate Elasticity of Population Growth Rate of a Single Matrix
flefko2 Create Function-based Ahistorical Matrix Projection Model
flefko3 Create Function-based Historical Matrix Projection Model
fleslie Create Function-based Age-based (Leslie) Matrix Projection Model
f_projection3 Project Function-based Matrix Projection Model
hfv_qc Check Quality and Distributions of hfv Datasets
historicalize3 Create Historical Vertical Data Frame from Ahistorical Vertical Data Frame
hist_null Create Historical MPMs Assuming No Influence of Individual History
image3 Create Matrix Image
image3.dgCMatrix Create a Matrix Image for a Single Sparse Matrix
image3.lefkoElas Create Matrix Image(s) for lefkoElas Object
image3.lefkoMat Create Matrix Image(s) for lefkoMat Object
image3.lefkoSens Create Matrix Image(s) for lefkoSens Object
image3.list Create Matrix Images for Matrices in a List
image3.matrix Create a Matrix Image for a Single Matrix
lambda3 Estimate Actual or Deterministic Population Growth Rate
lathyrus Demographic Dataset of _Lathyrus vernus_ Population
lefko3 Historical and Ahistorical Population Projection Matrix Analysis
lmean Estimate Mean Projection Matrices
logistic3 Two-parameter logistic function
ltre3 Conduct a Life Table Response Experiment
markov_run Creates Vector of Times Based on First-Order Markov Transition Matrix
matrix_interp Arranges Matrix Elements in Order of Magnitude for Interpretation
modelsearch Develop Best-fit Vital Rate Estimation Models for MPM Development
mpm_create General Matrix Projection Model Creation
overwrite Create Overwrite Table for MPM Development
plot.lefkoProj Plot Projection Simulations
projection3 Conduct Population Projection Simulations
pyrola Demographic Dataset of _Pyrola japonica_ and _Pyrola subaphylla_ Populations, in Horizontal Format
repvalue3 Estimate Reproductive Value
repvalue3.dgCMatrix Estimate Reproductive Value Vector for a Single Population Projection Matrix
repvalue3.lefkoMat Estimate Reproductive Value Vectors of Matrices in a lefkoMat Object
repvalue3.list Estimate Reproductive Value Vector for a List of Projection Matrices
repvalue3.matrix Estimate Reproductive Value Vector for a Single Population Projection Matrix
ricker3 Two-parameter Ricker function
rlefko2 Create Raw Ahistorical Matrix Projection Model
rlefko3 Create Raw Historical Matrix Projection Model
rleslie Create Raw Leslie (Age-based) Matrix Projection Model
sensitivity3 Estimate Sensitivity of Population Growth Rate to Matrix Elements
sensitivity3.dgCMatrix Estimate Sensitivity of Population Growth Rate of a Single Matrix
sensitivity3.lefkoMat Estimate Sensitivity of Population Growth Rate of a lefkoMat Object
sensitivity3.list Estimate Sensitivity of Population Growth Rate of a List of Matrices
sensitivity3.matrix Estimate Sensitivity of Population Growth Rate of a Single Matrix
sf_create Create Stageframe for Population Matrix Projection Analysis
sf_distrib Test Overdispersion and Zero Inflation in Size and Fecundity Distributions
sf_skeleton Create Skeleton Stageframe
slambda3 Estimate Stochastic Population Growth Rate
stablestage3 Estimate Stable Stage Distribution
stablestage3.dgCMatrix Estimate Stable Stage Distribution of a Single Population Projection Matrix
stablestage3.lefkoMat Estimate Stable Stage Distribution of Matrices in lefkoMat Object
stablestage3.list Estimate Stable Stage Distribution of a List of Projection Matrices
stablestage3.matrix Estimate Stable Stage Distribution of a Single Population Projection Matrix
start_input Create a Starting Vector for Population Projection
subset_lM Create New lefkoMat Object as Subset of Another lefkoMat Object
summary.lefkoCondMat Summary of Class "lefkoCondMat"
summary.lefkoElas Summarize lefkoElas Objects
summary.lefkoLTRE Summarize lefkoLTRE Objects
summary.lefkoMat Summary of Class "lefkoMat"
summary.lefkoMod Summary of Class "lefkoMod"
summary.lefkoProj Summarize lefkoProj Objects
summary_hfv Summary of Class "hfvdata"
supplemental Create a Data Frame of Supplemental Data for MPM Development
usher3 Two-parameter Usher function
verticalize3 Create Historical Vertical Data Frame from Horizontal Data Frame
vrm_import Import Vital Rate Model Factor Values for Function-based MPM Development