Longitudinal Concordance Correlation

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Documentation for package ‘lcc’ version 1.1.4

Help Pages

AIC.lcc Akaike and Bayesian Information Criteria for an 'lcc' Object.
anova.lcc Compare Likelihoods of Fitted Models from an 'lcc' Object
BIC.lcc Akaike and Bayesian Information Criteria for an 'lcc' Object.
coef.lcc Extract Model Coefficients
fitted.lcc Extract 'lcc' Fitted Values
getVarCov.lcc Extract Variance Components from a Fitted Model
hue Hue color data
lcc Longitudinal Concordance Correlation (LCC) Estimated by Fixed Effects and Variance Components using a Polynomial Mixed-Effects Regression Model
lccPlot Plot Fitted Curves from an 'lcc' Object.
logLik.lcc Extract Log-Likelihood of an 'lcc' Object
plot.lcc Diagnostic Plots of an 'lcc' Object.
print.anova.lcc Print the Anova of an 'lcc' Object
print.lcc Print an 'lcc' Object
print.summary.lcc Print the Summary of an 'lcc' Object
ranef.lcc Extract Model Random Effects
residuals.lcc Extract Model Residuals
simulated_hue Hue color simulated data
simulated_hue_block Hue color simulated data in a randomized block design
summary.lcc Summarize an 'lcc' Object
vcov.lcc Extract Variance-Covariance Matrix of the Fixed Effects