externalMetric {latrend}R Documentation

Compute external model metric(s)


Compute one or more external metrics for two or more objects.

Note that there are many external metrics available, and there exists no external metric that works best in all scenarios. It is recommended to carefully consider which metric is most appropriate for your use case.

Many of the external metrics depend on implementations in other packages:

See mclustcomp::mclustcomp() for a grouped overview of similarity metrics.

Call getInternalMetricNames() to retrieve the names of the defined internal metrics. Call getExternalMetricNames() to retrieve the names of the defined internal metrics.


## S4 method for signature 'lcModel,lcModel'
  name = getOption("latrend.externalMetric"),

## S4 method for signature 'lcModels,missing'
externalMetric(object, object2, name = "adjustedRand")

## S4 method for signature 'lcModels,character'
externalMetric(object, object2 = "adjustedRand")

## S4 method for signature 'lcModels,lcModel'
externalMetric(object, object2, name, drop = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'list,lcModel'
externalMetric(object, object2, name, drop = TRUE)



The object to compare to the second object


The second object


The name(s) of the external metric(s) to compute. If no names are given, the names specified in the latrend.externalMetric option (none by default) are used.


Additional arguments.


Whether to return a ⁠numeric vector⁠ instead of a data.frame in case of a single metric.


For externalMetric(lcModel, lcModel): A numeric vector of the computed metrics.

For externalMetric(lcModels): A distance matrix of class dist representing the pairwise comparisons.

For externalMetric(lcModels, name): A distance matrix of class dist representing the pairwise comparisons.

For externalMetric(lcModels, lcModel): A named numeric vector or data.frame containing the computed model metrics.

For externalMetric(list, lcModel): A named numeric vector or data.frame containing the computed model metrics.

Supported external metrics

Metric name Description Function / Reference
adjustedRand Adjusted Rand index. Based on the Rand index, but adjusted for agreements occurring by chance. A score of 1 indicates a perfect agreement, whereas a score of 0 indicates an agreement no better than chance. mclustcomp::mclustcomp(), (Hubert and Arabie 1985)
CohensKappa Cohen's kappa. A partitioning agreement metric correcting for random chance. A score of 1 indicates a perfect agreement, whereas a score of 0 indicates an agreement no better than chance. psych::cohen.kappa(), (Cohen 1960)
F F-score mclustcomp::mclustcomp()
F1 F1-score, also referred to as the Sørensen–Dice Coefficient, or Dice similarity coefficient mclustcomp::mclustcomp()
FolkesMallows Fowlkes-Mallows index mclustcomp::mclustcomp()
Hubert Hubert index clusterCrit::extCriteria()
Jaccard Jaccard index mclustcomp::mclustcomp()
jointEntropy Joint entropy between model assignments mclustcomp::mclustcomp()
Kulczynski Kulczynski index clusterCrit::extCriteria()
MaximumMatch Maximum match measure mclustcomp::mclustcomp()
McNemar McNemar statistic clusterCrit::extCriteria()
MeilaHeckerman Meila-Heckerman measure mclustcomp::mclustcomp()
Mirkin Mirkin metric mclustcomp::mclustcomp()
MI Mutual information mclustcomp::mclustcomp()
NMI Normalized mutual information igraph::compare()
NSJ Normalized version of splitJoin. The proportion of edits relative to the maximum changes (twice the number of ids)
NVI Normalized variation of information mclustcomp::mclustcomp()
Overlap Overlap coefficient, also referred to as the Szymkiewicz–Simpson coefficient mclustcomp::mclustcomp() (M K and K 2016)
PD Partition difference mclustcomp::mclustcomp()
Phi Phi coefficient. clusterCrit::extCriteria()
precision precision clusterCrit::extCriteria()
Rand Rand index mclustcomp::mclustcomp()
recall recall clusterCrit::extCriteria()
RogersTanimoto Rogers-Tanimoto dissimilarity clusterCrit::extCriteria()
RusselRao Russell-Rao dissimilarity clusterCrit::extCriteria()
SMC Simple matching coefficient mclustcomp::mclustcomp()
splitJoin total split-join index igraph::split_join_distance()
splitJoin.ref Split-join index of the first model to the second model. In other words, it is the edit-distance between the two partitionings.
SokalSneath1 Type-1 Sokal-Sneath dissimilarity clusterCrit::extCriteria()
SokalSneath2 Type-2 Sokal-Sneath dissimilarity clusterCrit::extCriteria()
VI Variation of information mclustcomp::mclustcomp()
Wallace1 Type-1 Wallace criterion mclustcomp::mclustcomp()
Wallace2 Type-2 Wallace criterion mclustcomp::mclustcomp()
WMSSE Weighted minimum sum of squared errors between cluster trajectories
WMMSE Weighted minimum mean of squared errors between cluster trajectories
WMMAE Weighted minimum mean of absolute errors between cluster trajectories


See the documentation of the defineExternalMetric() function for details on how to define your own external metrics.


Cohen J (1960). “A Coefficient of Agreement for Nominal Scales.” Educational and Psychological Measurement, 20(1), 37-46.

Csardi G, Nepusz T (2006). “The igraph software package for complex network research.” InterJournal, Complex Systems, 1695. https://igraph.org.

Desgraupes B (2018). clusterCrit: Clustering Indices. R package version 1.2.8, https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=clusterCrit.

Hubert L, Arabie P (1985). “Comparing Partitions.” Journal of Classification, 2(1), 193–218. ISSN 1432-1343, doi:10.1007/BF01908075.

M K V, K K (2016). “A Survey on Similarity Measures in Text Mining.” Machine Learning and Applications: An International Journal, 3, 19-28. doi:10.5121/mlaij.2016.3103.

Revelle W (2019). psych: Procedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and Personality Research. Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. R package version 1.9.12, https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=psych.

You K (2018). mclustcomp: Measures for Comparing Clusters. R package version 0.3.1, https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=mclustcomp.

See Also


Other metric functions: defineExternalMetric(), defineInternalMetric(), getExternalMetricDefinition(), getExternalMetricNames(), getInternalMetricDefinition(), getInternalMetricNames(), metric()

Other lcModel functions: clusterNames(), clusterProportions(), clusterSizes(), clusterTrajectories(), coef.lcModel(), converged(), deviance.lcModel(), df.residual.lcModel(), estimationTime(), fitted.lcModel(), fittedTrajectories(), getCall.lcModel(), getLcMethod(), ids(), lcModel-class, metric(), model.frame.lcModel(), nClusters(), nIds(), nobs.lcModel(), plot-lcModel-method, plotClusterTrajectories(), plotFittedTrajectories(), postprob(), predict.lcModel(), predictAssignments(), predictForCluster(), predictPostprob(), qqPlot(), residuals.lcModel(), sigma.lcModel(), strip(), time.lcModel(), trajectoryAssignments()


method <- lcMethodLMKM(Y ~ Time, id = "Id", time = "Time")
model2 <- latrend(method, latrendData, nClusters = 2)
model3 <- latrend(method, latrendData, nClusters = 3)

if (require("mclustcomp")) {
  externalMetric(model2, model3, "adjustedRand")

[Package latrend version 1.6.1 Index]