blhs {laGP} | R Documentation |
Bootstrapped block Latin hypercube subsampling
Provides bootstrapped block Latin hypercube subsampling under a given data set to aid in consistent estimation of a global separable lengthscale parameter
blhs(y, X, m)
blhs.loop(y, X, m, K, da, g = 1e-3, maxit = 100, verb = 0, = FALSE)
y |
a vector of responses/dependent values with |
X |
a |
m |
a positive scalar integer giving the number of divisions on each coordinate of input space defining the block structure |
K |
a positive scalar integer specifying the number of Bootstrap replicates desired |
da |
a lengthscale prior, say as generated by |
g |
a positive scalar giving the fixed nugget value of the nugget parameter; by default |
maxit |
a positive scalar integer giving the maximum number of iterations for MLE calculations via |
verb |
a non-negative integer specifying the verbosity level; | |
Bootstrapped block Latin hypercube subsampling (BLHS) yields a global lengthscale estimator
which is asymptotically consistent with the MLE calculated on the full data set. However, since it
works on data subsets, it comes at a much reduced computational cost. Intuitively, the BLHS
guarantees a good mix of short and long pairwise distances. A single bootstrap LH subsample
may be obtained by dividing each dimension of the input space equally into m
intervals, yielding m^d
mutually exclusive hypercubes. It is easy to show
that the average number of observations in each hypercube is Nm^{-d}
if there are N
samples in the original design. From each of these hypercubes,
are randomly selected following the LH paradigm, i.e., so that
only one interval is chosen from each of the m
segments. The average number of
observations in the subsample, combining the m
randomly selected blocks,
is Nm^{-d+1}
Ensuring a subsample size of at least one
requires having m\leq N^{\frac{1}{d-1}}
thereby linking the parameter m
to computational effort. Smaller m
is preferred so long
as GP inference on data of that size remains tractable. Since the blocks follow
an LH structure, the resulting sub-design inherits the usual LHS properties,
e.g., retaining marginal properties like univariate stratification modulo features present in the original,
large N
, design.
For more details, see Liu (2014), Zhao, et al. (2017) and Sun, et al. (2019).
returns the subsampled input space and the corresponding responses.
returns the median of the K
lengthscale maximum likelihood estimates, the subsampled data size to which
that corresponds, and the subsampled data, including the input space and the responses, from the bootstrap iterations
xs |
the subsampled input space |
ys |
the subsampled responses, |
that |
the lengthscale estimate (median), |
ly |
the subsampled data size (median) |
xm |
the subsampled input space (median) |
ym |
the subsampled responses (median) |
This implementation assums that X
has been coded to the unit cube ([0,1]^p
where p = ncol(X)
should be relatively homogeneous. A space-filling design (input) X
is ideal, but not required
Robert B. Gramacy and Furong Sun
Gramacy, R. B. (2020) Surrogates: Gaussian Process Modeling, Design and Optimization for the Applied Sciences. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman Hall/CRC. (See Chapter 9.)
F. Sun, R.B. Gramacy, B. Haaland, E. Lawrence, and A. Walker (2019). Emulating satellite drag from large simulation experiments, SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 7(2), pp. 720-759; preprint on arXiv:1712.00182;
Y. Zhao, Y. Hung, and Y. Amemiya (2017). Efficient Gaussian Process Modeling using Experimental Design-Based Subagging, Statistica Sinica, to appear;
Yufan Liu (2014) Recent Advances in Computer Experiment Modeling. Ph.D. Thesis at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
# input space based on latin-hypercube sampling (not required)
# two dimensional example with N=216 sized sample
if(require(lhs)) { X <- randomLHS(216, 2)
} else { X <- matrix(runif(216*2), ncol=2) }
# pseudo responses, not important for visualizing design
Y <- runif(216)
## BLHS sample with m=6 divisions in each coordinate
sub <- blhs(y=Y, X=X, m=6)
Xsub <- sub$xs # the bootstrapped subsample
# visualization
plot(X, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xlab="factor 1",
ylab="factor 2", col="cyan", main="BLHS")
b <- seq(0, 1, by=1/6)
abline(h=b, v=b, col="black", lty=2)
axis(1, at=seq (0, 1, by=1/6), cex.axis=0.8,
labels=expression(0, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 1))
axis(2, at=seq (0, 1, by=1/6), cex.axis=0.8,
labels=expression(0, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 1), las=1)
points(Xsub, col="red", pch=19, cex=1.25)
## Comparing global lengthscale MLE based on BLHS and random subsampling
## Not run:
# famous borehole function
borehole <- function(x){
rw <- x[1] * (0.15 - 0.05) + 0.05
r <- x[2] * (50000 - 100) + 100
Tu <- x[3] * (115600 - 63070) + 63070
Tl <- x[5] * (116 - 63.1) + 63.1
Hu <- x[4] * (1110 - 990) + 990
Hl <- x[6] * (820 - 700) + 700
L <- x[7] * (1680 - 1120) + 1120
Kw <- x[8] * (12045 - 9855) + 9855
m1 <- 2 * pi * Tu * (Hu - Hl)
m2 <- log(r / rw)
m3 <- 1 + 2*L*Tu/(m2*rw^2*Kw) + Tu/Tl
N <- 100000 # number of observations
if(require(lhs)) { xt <- randomLHS(N, 8) # input space
} else { xt <- matrix(runif(N*8), ncol=8) }
yt <- apply(xt, 1, borehole) # response
colnames(xt) <- c("rw", "r", "Tu", "Tl", "Hu", "Hl", "L", "Kw")
## prior on the GP lengthscale parameter
da <- darg(list(mle=TRUE, max=100), xt)
## make space for two sets of boxplots
# BLHS calculating with visualization of the K MLE lengthscale estimates
K <- 10 # number of Bootstrap samples; Sun, et al (2017) uses K <- 31
sub_blhs <- blhs.loop(y=yt, X=xt, K=K, m=2, da=da, maxit=200,
# a random subsampling analog for comparison
sn <- sub_blhs$ly # extract a size that is consistent with the BLHS
that.rand <- matrix(NA, ncol=8, nrow=K)
for(i in 1:K){
sub <- sample(1:nrow(xt), sn)
gpsepi <- newGPsep(xt[sub,], yt[sub], d=da$start, g=1e-3, dK=TRUE)
mle <- mleGPsep(gpsepi, tmin=da$min, tmax=10*da$max, ab=da$ab, maxit=200)
that.rand[i,] <- mle$d
## put random boxplots next to BLHS ones
boxplot(that.rand, xlab="input", ylab="theta-hat", col=2,
main="random subsampling")
## End(Not run)