Local Approximate Gaussian Process Regression

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Documentation for package ‘laGP’ version 1.5-9

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aGP Localized Approximate GP Regression For Many Predictive Locations
aGP.parallel Localized Approximate GP Regression For Many Predictive Locations
aGP.R Localized Approximate GP Regression For Many Predictive Locations
aGP.seq Localized Approximate GP Regression For Many Predictive Locations
aGPsep Localized Approximate GP Regression For Many Predictive Locations
aGPsep.R Localized Approximate GP Regression For Many Predictive Locations
alcGP Improvement statistics for sequential or local design
alcGPsep Improvement statistics for sequential or local design
alcoptGP Improvement statistics for sequential or local design
alcoptGPsep Improvement statistics for sequential or local design
alcrayGP Improvement statistics for sequential or local design
alcrayGPsep Improvement statistics for sequential or local design
blhs Bootstrapped block Latin hypercube subsampling
blhs.loop Bootstrapped block Latin hypercube subsampling
dalcGP Improvement statistics for sequential or local design
dalcGPsep Improvement statistics for sequential or local design
darg Generate Priors for GP correlation
deleteGP Delete C-side Gaussian Process Objects
deleteGPs Delete C-side Gaussian Process Objects
deleteGPsep Delete C-side Gaussian Process Objects
deleteGPseps Delete C-side Gaussian Process Objects
discrep.est Estimate Discrepancy in Calibration Model
distance Calculate the squared Euclidean distance between pairs of points
fcalib Objective function for performing large scale computer model calibration via optimization
fishGP Improvement statistics for sequential or local design
garg Generate Priors for GP correlation
ieciGP Improvement statistics for sequential or local design
ieciGPsep Improvement statistics for sequential or local design
jmleGP Inference for GP correlation parameters
jmleGP.R Inference for GP correlation parameters
jmleGPsep Inference for GP correlation parameters
jmleGPsep.R Inference for GP correlation parameters
laGP Localized Approximate GP Prediction At a Single Input Location
laGP.R Localized Approximate GP Prediction At a Single Input Location
laGPsep Localized Approximate GP Prediction At a Single Input Location
laGPsep.R Localized Approximate GP Prediction At a Single Input Location
llikGP Calculate a GP log likelihood
llikGPsep Calculate a GP log likelihood
mleGP Inference for GP correlation parameters
mleGPsep Inference for GP correlation parameters
mleGPsep.R Inference for GP correlation parameters
mspeGP Improvement statistics for sequential or local design
newGP Create A New GP Object
newGPsep Create A New GP Object
optim.auglag Optimize an objective function under multiple blackbox constraints
optim.efi Optimize an objective function under multiple blackbox constraints
predGP GP Prediction/Kriging
predGPsep GP Prediction/Kriging
randLine Generate two-dimensional random paths
updateGP Create A New GP Object
updateGPsep Create A New GP Object