Quantify the Robustness of Causal Inferences

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Documentation for package ‘konfound’ version 0.5.1

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binary_dummy_data Binary dummy data
cal_delta_star Calculate delta star for sensitivity analysis
cal_rxy Calculate rxy based on ryxGz, rxz, and ryz
cal_rxz Calculate R2xz based on variances and standard error
cal_ryz Calculate R2yz based on ryxGz and R2
chisq_p Perform a Chi-Square Test
concord1 Concord1 data
get_kr_df Extract Degrees of Freedom for Fixed Effects in a Linear Mixed-Effects Model
konfound Konfound Analysis for Various Model Types
konfound_glm Konfound Analysis for Generalized Linear Models
konfound_glm_dichotomous Konfound Analysis for Generalized Linear Models with Dichotomous Outcomes
konfound_lm Konfound Analysis for Linear Models
konfound_lmer Konfound Analysis for Linear Mixed-Effects Models
mkonfound Meta-Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis for Multiple Studies
mkonfound_ex Example data for the mkonfound function
output_df Output data frame based on model estimates and thresholds
output_print Output printed text with formatting
output_table Output a Tidy Table from a Model Object
pkonfound Perform sensitivity analysis for published studies
plot_correlation Plot Correlation Diagram
plot_threshold Plot Effect Threshold Diagram
tkonfound Perform Sensitivity Analysis on 2x2 Tables
tkonfound_fig Draw Figures for Change in Effect Size in 2x2 Tables
verify_reg_Gzcv Verify regression model with control variable Z
verify_reg_uncond Verify unconditional regression model
zzz Package Initialization Functions and Utilities