DNA Copy Number Analysis for Genome-Wide Tapestri Panels

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Documentation for package ‘karyotapR’ version 1.0.1

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.TapestriExperiment TapestriExperiment Class Definition
assayBoxPlot Generate a box plot from assay data
assayHeatmap Generate heatmap of assay data
barcodeProbe Getter and Setter functions for 'TapestriExperiment' slots
barcodeProbe-method Getter and Setter functions for 'TapestriExperiment' slots
barcodeProbe<- Getter and Setter functions for 'TapestriExperiment' slots
barcodeProbe<--method Getter and Setter functions for 'TapestriExperiment' slots
calcCopyNumber Calculate relative copy number value for each cell-probe unit using reference sample
calcGMMCopyNumber Call copy number for each cell-chromosome using Gaussian mixture models
calcNormCounts Normalize raw counts
calcSmoothCopyNumber Smooth copy number values across chromosomes and chromosome arms
callSampleLables Call sample labels based on feature counts
corner Print the top-left corner of a matrix
countBarcodedReads Get read counts from barcoded reads
countBarcodedReadsFromContig Get read counts from barcoded reads
createTapestriExperiment Create 'TapestriExperiment' object from Tapestri Pipeline output
Custom Slot Getters and Setters Getter and Setter functions for 'TapestriExperiment' slots
generateControlCopyNumberTemplate Calculate relative copy number value for each cell-probe unit using reference sample
getChrOrder Get chromosome order from a string of chromosome/contig names
getCytobands Add chromosome cytobands and chromosome arms to 'TapestriExperiment'
getGMMBoundaries Calculate decision boundaries between components of copy number GMMs
getTidyData Get tidy-style data from 'TapestriExperiment' objects
gmmParams Getter and Setter functions for 'TapestriExperiment' slots
gmmParams-method Getter and Setter functions for 'TapestriExperiment' slots
grnaProbe Getter and Setter functions for 'TapestriExperiment' slots
grnaProbe-method Getter and Setter functions for 'TapestriExperiment' slots
grnaProbe<- Getter and Setter functions for 'TapestriExperiment' slots
grnaProbe<--method Getter and Setter functions for 'TapestriExperiment' slots
moveNonGenomeProbes Move non-genome probes counts and metadata to altExp slots
newTapestriExperimentExample Create Example 'TapestriExperiment'
PCAKneePlot Plot of PCA proportion of variance explained
plotCopyNumberGMM Plot copy number GMM components
reducedDimPlot Scatter plot for dimensional reduction results
runClustering Cluster 2D data
runPCA Cluster assay data by Principal Components Analysis
runUMAP Cluster matrix data by UMAP
show-method TapestriExperiment Class Definition
TapestriExperiment-class TapestriExperiment Class Definition