Kernel Approaches for Nonlinear Genetic Association Regression

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Documentation for package ‘kangar00’ version 1.4.1

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kangar00-package kangar00 package
analyze An S4 class to represent a gene-gene interaction network
analyze-method An S4 class to represent a gene-gene interaction network
anno Example annotation file for three pathways.
ANY-method An S4 class to represent a gene-gene interaction network
calc_kernel Calculate the kernel-matrix for a pathway
calc_kernel-method Calculate the kernel-matrix for a pathway
character read genotype data from file to one of several available objects, which can be passed to a GWASdata object 'GWASdata'.
davies_test-method A function to calculate the p-values for kernel matrices.
GeneSNPsize S4 class for an object representing a Genome-wide Assocaition Study.
GeneSNPsize-method S4 class for an object representing a Genome-wide Assocaition Study.
geno Example genotypes for 50 individuals.
get_anno Annotates SNPs via genes to pathways
get_anno-method Annotates SNPs via genes to pathways
get_genes An S4 class to represent a gene-gene interaction network
get_genes-method An S4 class to represent a gene-gene interaction network
get_network_matrix Function to calculate the network 'matrix' for a 'pathway' object
get_network_matrix-method Function to calculate the network 'matrix' for a 'pathway' object
gwas Example 'GWASdata' object.
GWASdata S4 class for an object representing a Genome-wide Assocaition Study.
GWASdata-method S4 class for an object representing a Genome-wide Assocaition Study.
hsa04020 Example 'pathway' object for pathway hsa04020.
hsa04022_info Example 'pathway_info' object for 'pathway' hsa04022.
kangar00 kangar00 package
kernel An S4 class representing a kernel matrix calculated for a pathway
kernel-class An S4 class representing a kernel matrix calculated for a pathway
lin_kernel Calculate the kernel-matrix for a pathway
lin_kernel-method Calculate the kernel-matrix for a pathway
lkmt An S4 class to represent the variance component test.
lkmt-class An S4 class to represent the variance component test. Example test result for the network-based 'kernel' for 'pathway' hsa04020.
lkmt_test A function to calculate the p-values for kernel matrices.
lowrank_kernel An S4 class to represent a low-rank kernel for a SNPset at specified knots
lowrank_kernel-class An S4 class to represent a low-rank kernel for a SNPset at specified knots
make_psd Adjust network 'matrix' to be positive semi-definite
make_psd-method Adjust network 'matrix' to be positive semi-definite
matrix Adjust network 'matrix' to be positive semi-definite
net.kernel.hsa04020 Example network-based kernel matrix for pathway hsa04020.
net_kernel Calculate the kernel-matrix for a pathway
net_kernel-method Calculate the kernel-matrix for a pathway
pathway An S4 class to represent a gene-gene interaction network
pathway-method An S4 class to represent a gene-gene interaction network
pathway2igraph An S4 class to represent a gene-gene interaction network
pathway2igraph-method An S4 class to represent a gene-gene interaction network
pathway_info An S4 class for an object assigning genes to pathways
pathway_info-method An S4 class for an object assigning genes to pathways
pheno Example phenotype file for 50 individuals.
plot-method An S4 class representing a kernel matrix calculated for a pathway
plot-method An S4 class to represent a gene-gene interaction network
read_geno read genotype data from file to one of several available objects, which can be passed to a GWASdata object 'GWASdata'.
read_geno-method read genotype data from file to one of several available objects, which can be passed to a GWASdata object 'GWASdata'.
rewire_network Rewires interactions in a 'pathway', which go through a gene not represented by any SNPs in the considered 'GWASdata' dataset.
rewire_network-method Rewires interactions in a 'pathway', which go through a gene not represented by any SNPs in the considered 'GWASdata' dataset.
rs10243170_info Example 'snp_info' object for SNP rs10243170.
sample_genes An S4 class to represent a gene-gene interaction network
sample_genes-method An S4 class to represent a gene-gene interaction network
score_test-method A function to calculate the p-values for kernel matrices.
show-method S4 class for an object representing a Genome-wide Assocaition Study.
show-method An S4 class representing a kernel matrix calculated for a pathway
show-method An S4 class to represent the variance component test.
show-method An S4 class to represent a gene-gene interaction network
show-method An S4 class for an object assigning genes to pathways
show-method An S4 class for an object assigning SNP positions to rs-numbers (for internal use)
sia_kernel Calculate the kernel-matrix for a pathway
sia_kernel-method Calculate the kernel-matrix for a pathway
snp_info An S4 class for an object assigning SNP positions to rs-numbers (for internal use)
snp_info-method An S4 class for an object assigning SNP positions to rs-numbers (for internal use)
summary-method S4 class for an object representing a Genome-wide Assocaition Study.
summary-method An S4 class representing a kernel matrix calculated for a pathway
summary-method An S4 class to represent the variance component test.
summary-method An S4 class to represent a gene-gene interaction network
summary-method An S4 class for an object assigning genes to pathways
summary-method An S4 class for an object assigning SNP positions to rs-numbers (for internal use)