Analysis and Presentation of Social Scientific Data

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Documentation for package ‘jtools’ version 2.2.2

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A C D E G I J K M N P S T W misc

-- A --

add_gridlines Add and remove gridlines
add_x_gridlines Add and remove gridlines
add_y_gridlines Add and remove gridlines

-- C --

cat_plot Deprecated interaction functions
cat_wrap 'cat', 'message', 'warning', and 'stop' wrapped to fit the console's width.
center Mean-center vectors, data frames, and survey designs
center_lm Center variables in fitted regression models
center_mod Center variables in fitted regression models

-- D --

drop_gridlines Add and remove gridlines
drop_x_gridlines Add and remove gridlines
drop_y_gridlines Add and remove gridlines

-- E --

effect_plot Plot simple effects in regression models
export_summs Export regression summaries to tables

-- G --

get_colors Get colors for plotting functions
get_data Utility functions for generating model predictions
get_formula Retrieve formulas from model objects
get_formula.brmsfit Retrieve formulas from model objects
get_formula.default Retrieve formulas from model objects
get_formula.panelmodel Retrieve formulas from model objects
get_offset_name Utility functions for generating model predictions
get_response_name Utility functions for generating model predictions
get_robust_se Calculate robust standard errors and produce coefficient tables
get_weights Utility functions for generating model predictions
glance.summ.glm Broom extensions for summ objects
glance.summ.lm Broom extensions for summ objects
glance.summ.merMod Broom extensions for summ objects
glance.summ.rq Broom extensions for summ objects
glance.summ.svyglm Broom extensions for summ objects
gscale Scale and/or center data, including survey designs

-- I --

interact_plot Deprecated interaction functions

-- J --

johnson_neyman Deprecated interaction functions
jtools_colors Color palettes in 'jtools' functions
j_summ Regression summaries with options
j_summ.glm Generalized linear regression summaries with options
j_summ.lm Linear regression summaries with options
j_summ.merMod Mixed effects regression summaries with options
j_summ.svyglm Complex survey regression summaries with options

-- K --

knit_print.summ.glm knitr methods for summ
knit_print.summ.lm knitr methods for summ
knit_print.summ.merMod knitr methods for summ
knit_print.summ.rq knitr methods for summ
knit_print.summ.svyglm knitr methods for summ

-- M --

make_new_data Make new data for generating predicted data from regression models.
make_predictions Generate predicted data for plotting results of regression models
make_predictions.default Generate predicted data for plotting results of regression models
md_table Print attractive data frames in the console
movies Data about movies
msg_wrap 'cat', 'message', 'warning', and 'stop' wrapped to fit the console's width.

-- N --

num_print Numbering printing with signed zeroes and trailing zeroes

-- P --

partialize Adjust observed data for partial residuals plots
partialize.default Adjust observed data for partial residuals plots
pf_sv_test Test whether sampling weights are needed
plot_coefs Plot Regression Summaries
plot_summs Plot Regression Summaries
predict_merMod Alternative interface for 'merMod' predictions
probe_interaction Deprecated interaction functions

-- S --

scale_lm Scale variables in fitted regression models
scale_mod Scale variables in fitted regression models
scale_mod.default Scale variables in fitted regression models
set_summ_defaults Set defaults for 'summ()' functions
sim_slopes Deprecated interaction functions
standardize Standardize vectors, data frames, and survey designs
stop_wrap 'cat', 'message', 'warning', and 'stop' wrapped to fit the console's width.
summ Regression summaries with options
summ.glm Generalized linear regression summaries with options
summ.lm Linear regression summaries with options
summ.merMod Mixed effects regression summaries with options
summ.rq Quantile regression summaries with options
summ.svyglm Complex survey regression summaries with options
svycor Calculate Pearson correlations with complex survey data
svysd Calculate standard deviations with complex survey data

-- T --

theme_apa Format ggplot2 figures in APA style
theme_nice A nice, flexible 'ggplot2' theme
tidy.summ Broom extensions for summ objects
tidy.summ.merMod Broom extensions for summ objects

-- W --

warn_wrap 'cat', 'message', 'warning', and 'stop' wrapped to fit the console's width.
weights_tests Test whether sampling weights are needed
wgttest Test whether sampling weights are needed
wrap_str 'cat', 'message', 'warning', and 'stop' wrapped to fit the console's width. Weighted standard deviation calculation

-- misc --

%just% Subsetting operators Subsetting operators
%just%.default Subsetting operators
%just%.list Subsetting operators
%just%.matrix Subsetting operators
%just%<- Subsetting operators
%just%< Subsetting operators
%just%<-.default Subsetting operators
%just%<-.list Subsetting operators
%just%<-.matrix Subsetting operators
%nin% Not '%in%'
%not% Subsetting operators Subsetting operators
%not%.default Subsetting operators
%not%.list Subsetting operators
%not%.matrix Subsetting operators
%not%<- Subsetting operators
%not%< Subsetting operators
%not%<-.default Subsetting operators
%not%<-.list Subsetting operators
%not%<-.matrix Subsetting operators