jointNmix-package |
Joint N-Mixture Models for Site-Associated Species |
AIC.Nmix |
Methods for Nmix objects |
anova.Nmix |
Methods for Nmix objects |
coef.Nmix |
Methods for Nmix objects |
dneymanA |
The Neyman-A probability function |
fitted.jointNmix |
Methods for joint Nmix objects |
fitted.uniNmix |
Methods for univariate Nmix objects |
getcorr.jointNmix |
Extract correlations and covariances |
getcov.jointNmix |
Extract correlations and covariances |
getranef.jointNmix |
Get empirical Bayes predictions of the latent abundances |
getranef.uniNmix |
Get empirical Bayes predictions of the latent abundances |
jointNmix |
Joint N-mixture models |
logLik.Nmix |
Methods for Nmix objects |
Nmix |
Univariate N-mixture models |
plot.jointNmix |
Plot Methods for Nmix objects |
plot.uniNmix |
Plot Methods for Nmix objects |
print.jointNmix |
Methods for joint Nmix objects |
print.uniNmix |
Methods for univariate Nmix objects |
residuals.jointNmix |
Methods for joint Nmix objects |
residuals.uniNmix |
Methods for univariate Nmix objects |
simulate.jointNmix |
Methods for joint Nmix objects |
simulate.uniNmix |
Methods for univariate Nmix objects |