. | Designate string as translated |
.. | Designate string as client-side translated |
Action | the jmvcore Object classes |
Analysis | the jmvcore Object classes |
Array | the jmvcore Object classes |
canBeNumeric | Determines whether an object is or can be converted to numeric |
Cell.BEGIN_END_GROUP | Constants to specify formatting of Table cells |
Cell.BEGIN_GROUP | Constants to specify formatting of Table cells |
Cell.END_GROUP | Constants to specify formatting of Table cells |
Cell.INDENTED | Constants to specify formatting of Table cells |
Cell.NEGATIVE | Constants to specify formatting of Table cells |
colorPalette | A function that creates a color palette |
Column | the jmvcore Object classes |
composeFormula | Compose a formula string |
composeTerm | Compose and decompose interaction terms to and from their components |
composeTerms | Compose and decompose interaction terms to and from their components |
constructFormula | Construct a formula string |
create | Create an analysis |
createError | Create and throw errors |
decomposeFormula | Decompose a formula |
decomposeTerm | Compose and decompose interaction terms to and from their components |
decomposeTerms | Compose and decompose interaction terms to and from their components |
endsWith | Test whether strings start or end with a particular string |
extractErrorMessage | Extracts the error message from an error object |
format | Format a string with arguments |
fromB64 | Convert names to and from Base64 encoding |
Group | the jmvcore Object classes |
Html | the jmvcore Object classes |
Image | the jmvcore Object classes |
isError | Determine if an object is an error |
marshalData | Marshal the data from an environment into a data frame |
marshalFormula | Marshal a formula into options |
matchSet | Determines the index where an item appears |
naOmit | remove missing values from a data frame listwise |
Notice | the jmvcore Object classes |
NoticeType | Different notice levels |
OptionAction | The jmv Options classes |
OptionArray | The jmv Options classes |
OptionBool | The jmv Options classes |
OptionGroup | The jmv Options classes |
OptionInteger | The jmv Options classes |
OptionLevel | The jmv Options classes |
OptionList | The jmv Options classes |
OptionNMXList | The jmv Options classes |
OptionNumber | The jmv Options classes |
OptionOutput | The jmv Options classes |
OptionPair | The jmv Options classes |
OptionPairs | The jmv Options classes |
Options | The jmv Options classes |
OptionSort | The jmv Options classes |
OptionString | The jmv Options classes |
OptionTerm | The jmv Options classes |
OptionTerms | The jmv Options classes |
OptionVariable | The jmv Options classes |
OptionVariables | The jmv Options classes |
Output | the jmvcore Object classes |
Preformatted | the jmvcore Object classes |
reject | Create and throw errors |
resolveQuo | Evaluates a quosure This is intended for use by classes overriding Analysis |
select | Create a new data frame with only the selected columns |
sourcify | Converts basic R object into their source representation |
startsWith | Test whether strings start or end with a particular string |
State | the jmvcore Object classes |
stringifyTerm | Converts a term into a string |
Table | the jmvcore Object classes |
theme_default | Creates the default jmv ggplot2 theme |
theme_hadley | Creates the hadley jmv ggplot2 theme |
theme_min | Creates the minimal jmv ggplot2 theme |
theme_spss | Creates the spss jmv ggplot2 theme |
toB64 | Convert names to and from Base64 encoding |
toNumeric | Converts a vector of values to numeric |
tryNaN | try an expression, and return NaN on failure |