Extracting and Visualizing Output from 'jagsUI'

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Documentation for package ‘jagshelper’ version 0.2.3

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jagshelper-package Functions for Extracting and Visualizing Output from 'jagsUI'
asdf_jags_out Example data: asdf jags out
asdf_prior_jags_out Example data: asdf prior jags out
caterpillar Caterpillar plot
chaindens_df By-chain kernel density of each column of a 'data.frame'.
chaindens_jags By-chain kernel densities of 'jagsUI' object
chaindens_line Simple by-chain kernel density plot
check_neff Quick summary of n.eff values by parameter name
check_Rhat Quick summary of Rhat values by parameter name
comparecat Compare Caterpillar Plots
comparedens Compare Density
comparepriors Compare Priors
cor_jags Correlation matrix from a JAGS object
envelope Envelope plot
expit Expit, or inverse logit
jagshelper Functions for Extracting and Visualizing Output from 'jagsUI'
jags_df Extract data.frame
jags_plist Plist
logit Logit
nbyname Number of parameter nodes by parameter name
nparam Number of parameters
overlayenvelope Overlay envelope plots
pairstrace_jags Pairs trace plot
plotcor_jags Plot a correlation matrix from a JAGS object
plotdens Plot kernel densities of single parameter nodes
plotRhats Plotting all Rhat values
pull_post Subset from posterior data.frame
qq_postpred Quantile-quantile plot from posterior predictive distribution
rcolors Random Colors
skeleton Skeleton
SS_data Example data: Time series associated with SS JAGS out
SS_out Example data: SS JAGS out
tracedens_jags Combination of trace plots and by-chain kernel densities of 'jagsUI' object
traceworstRhat Trace plots corresponding to the worst values of Rhat
trace_df Trace plot of each column of a 'data.frame'.
trace_jags Trace plot of jagsUI object
trace_line Simple trace plot
ts_postpred Time series plot of centered posterior predictive distribution