isotracer-package | The 'isotracer' package |
add_covariates | Add fixed effects of one or several covariates to some parameters. |
add_pulse_event | Register a pulse event on one of the compartment of a topology |
aquarium_mod | A simple aquarium network model, ready to run |
aquarium_run | An MCMC run from a simple aquarium network model |
as.mcmc.list.tidy_flows | Convert a 'tidy_flows' object to an 'mcmc.list' |
as.mcmc.list.tidy_steady_states | Convert a 'tidy_steady_states' object to an 'mcmc.list' |
as_tbl_graph | Generic for as_tbl_graph() |
as_tbl_graph.topology | Convert a network topology to a tbl_graph |
available_priors | List the available priors for model parameters |
c.mcmc.list | Combine mcmc.list objects |
calculate_steady_state | Calculate steady-state compartment sizes for a network |
comps | Return the compartments of a network model |
constant_p | Define a fixed-value prior |
delta2prop | Convert delta notation to proportion of heavy isotope |
dic | Calculate DIC from a model output |
eelgrass | Eelgrass phosphate incorporation data (McRoy & Barsdate 1970) |
exponential_p | Define an exponential prior |
filter | Filter (alias for filter function from dplyr) |
filter.ppcNetworkModel | Filter method for output of tidy_data_and_posterior_predict() |
filter_by_group | Filter a tibble based on the "group" column |
format.prior | Pretty formatting of a 'prior' object |
format.prior_tibble | Pretty formatting of a 'prior_tibble' object |
gamma_p | Define a gamma prior |
ggflows | A quick-and-dirty way of visualizing relative flows in a network |
ggtopo | Plot a topology |
ggtopo.networkModel | Plot a network topology |
ggtopo.topology | Plot a topology |
groups.networkModel | Get the grouping for a 'networkModel' object |
hcauchy_p | Define a half-Cauchy prior (on [0;+Inf]) |
isotracer | The 'isotracer' package |
lalaja | Dataset for nitrogren fluxes in a Trinidadian mountain stream (Collins 2016) |
li2017 | Protein degradation in Arabidopsis plants (Li et al. 2017) |
li2017_counts | Protein degradation in Arabidopsis plants (Li et al. 2017) |
li2017_prots | Protein degradation in Arabidopsis plants (Li et al. 2017) |
Math.mcmc.list | Math generics for mcmc.list objects |
mcmc_heatmap | Draw a heatmap based on the correlations between parameters |
missing_priors | Get a table with parameters which are missing priors |
new_networkModel | Create an empty network model |
normal_p | Define a truncated normal prior (on [0;+Inf]) |
obj_sum.prior | Function used for displaying 'prior' object in tibbles |
Ops.mcmc.list | Ops generics for 'mcmc.list' objects |
Ops.prior | Implementation of the '==' operator for priors |
Ops.topology | Ops generics for 'topology' objects |
params | Return the parameters of a network model |
pillar_shaft.prior | Function used for displaying 'prior' object in tibbles |
plot.networkModel | Plot observations/trajectories/predictions from a network model |
plot.ready_for_unit_plot | Plot output from 'split_to_unit_plot' |
posterior_predict | Draw from the posterior predictive distribution of the model outcome |
posterior_predict.networkModelStanfit | Draw from the posterior predictive distribution of the model outcome |
predict.networkModel | Add a column with predictions from a fit |
print.networkModel | Print method for 'networkModel' objects |
print.prior | Pretty printing of a 'prior' object |
print.prior_tibble | Pretty printing of a 'prior_tibble' object |
print.topology | Pretty printing of a 'topology' object |
priors | Return the tibble containing the priors of a networkModel |
project | Calculate the trajectories of a network model |
prop2delta | Convert isotopic proportions to delta values |
prop_family | Return the distribution family for observed proportions |
quick_sankey | Draw a Sankey plot with basic defaults |
run_mcmc | Run a MCMC sampler on a network model using Stan |
sample_from | Generate samples from a network model |
sample_from_prior | Sample from a prior object |
sample_params | Sample parameter values from priors |
sankey | Draw a Sankey plot for a network and estimated flows |
scaled_beta_p | Define a beta prior (on [0;scale]) |
select.mcmc.list | Select parameters based on their names |
set_half_life | Set the half-life for radioactive tracers |
set_init | Set initial conditions in a network model |
set_obs | Set observations in a network model |
set_params | Set the parameters in a network model |
set_prior | Set prior(s) for a network model |
set_priors | Set prior(s) for a network model |
set_prop_family | Set the distribution family for observed proportions |
set_size_family | Set the distribution family for observed sizes |
set_split | Flag some network compartments as being split compartments |
set_steady | Flag some network compartments as being in a steady state |
set_topo | Set the topology in a network model. |
size_family | Return the distribution family for observed sizes |
stanfit_to_named_mcmclist | Convert a Stanfit object to a nicely named mcmc.list object |
tidy_data | Extract data from a networkModel object into a tidy tibble. |
tidy_dpp | Prepare tidy data and posterior predictions |
tidy_flows | Build a tidy table with the flows for each iteration |
tidy_mcmc | Extract a tidy output from an mcmc.list |
tidy_posterior_predict | Draw from the posterior predictive distribution of the model outcome |
tidy_steady_states | Build a tidy table with the calculated steady states for each iteration |
tidy_trajectories | Build a tidy table with the trajectories for each iteration |
topo | Return the list of topologies, or a unique topology if all identical |
traceplot | Plot mcmc.list objects |
trini_mod | Network model for nitrogen fluxes in Trinidadian streams (Collins et al. 2016) |
type_sum.prior | Function used for displaying 'prior' object in tibbles |
uniform_p | Define a uniform prior |
[.networkModelStanfit | Subset method for 'networkModelStanfit' objects |