The Iterative Signature Algorithm

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Documentation for package ‘isa2’ version 0.3.6

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isa2-package The isa package
generate.seeds Generate seed vectors for the Iterative Signature Algorithm
images Image plots of biclusters
isa Iterative Signature Algorithm
isa-method Iterative Signature Algorithm
isa.biclust Convert ISA modules to a Biclust class, as defined by the biclust package
isa.filter.robust Robustness of ISA biclusters and PPA co-modules
isa.filter.robust-method Robustness of ISA biclusters and PPA co-modules Generate in-silico input data for biclustering algorithms
isa.iterate The Iterative Signature Algorithm
isa.iterate-method The Iterative Signature Algorithm
isa.normalize Normalize input data for use with ISA
isa.normalize-method Normalize input data for use with ISA
isa.option Options for the isa package
isa.sweep Create a hierarchical structure of ISA biclusters
isa.sweep-method Create a hierarchical structure of ISA biclusters
isa.unique Filter out biclusters that are very similar to each other
isa.unique-method Filter out biclusters that are very similar to each other
plotModules Image plots of biclusters
plotModules-method Image plots of biclusters
ppa The Ping-Pong Algorithm
ppa-method The Ping-Pong Algorithm
ppa.filter.robust Robustness of ISA biclusters and PPA co-modules
ppa.filter.robust-method Robustness of ISA biclusters and PPA co-modules Generate in-silico input data for testing the PPA algorithm
ppa.iterate The Ping-Pong Algorithm
ppa.iterate-method The Ping-Pong Algorithm
ppa.normalize Normalize input data for use with the PPA
ppa.normalize-method Normalize input data for use with the PPA
ppa.unique Filter co-modules that are very similar to each other
ppa.unique-method Filter co-modules that are very similar to each other
robustness Robustness of ISA biclusters and PPA co-modules
robustness-method Robustness of ISA biclusters and PPA co-modules
sweep.graph Create a hierarchical structure of ISA biclusters
sweep.graph-method Create a hierarchical structure of ISA biclusters