ipsecr-package |
Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture by Inverse Prediction |
details |
Detail Specification for ipsecr.fit |
detectionDesignData |
Internal Functions |
fixedbeta |
Detail Specification for ipsecr.fit |
ipsecr |
Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture by Inverse Prediction |
ipsecr-defunct |
Defunct Functions in Package 'ipsecr' |
ipsecr-deprecated |
Deprecated Functions in Package 'ipsecr' |
ipsecr.fit |
Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture by Inverse Prediction |
ipsecrdemo |
SECR Model Fitted to Demonstration Data |
makeNewData.ipsecr |
Create Default Design Data |
newdata |
Create Default Design Data |
param |
Detail Specification for ipsecr.fit |
plot.ipsecr |
Plot Detection Functions |
plot3D.IP |
Plot design and saved simulations for one box from a model fitted with 'ipsecr.fit' |
plotProxy |
Simulate and plot the relationship between a parameter and its designated proxy |
predict.ipsecr |
SECR Model Predictions |
print.ipsecr |
Print or Summarise ipsecr Object |
proxy.ms |
Internal Functions |
proxyfn0 |
Defunct Functions in Package 'ipsecr' |
proxyfn1 |
Internal Functions |
rpsv |
Internal Functions |
rpsvi |
Internal Functions |
simCH |
Internal Functions |
simpop |
Internal Functions |
summary.ipsecr |
Print or Summarise ipsecr Object |
vcov.ipsecr |
Variance - Covariance Matrix of SECR Parameters |