Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture by Inverse Prediction

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Documentation for package ‘ipsecr’ version 1.4.1

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ipsecr-package Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture by Inverse Prediction
details Detail Specification for
detectionDesignData Internal Functions
fixedbeta Detail Specification for
ipsecr Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture by Inverse Prediction
ipsecr-defunct Defunct Functions in Package 'ipsecr'
ipsecr-deprecated Deprecated Functions in Package 'ipsecr' Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture by Inverse Prediction
ipsecrdemo SECR Model Fitted to Demonstration Data
makeNewData.ipsecr Create Default Design Data
newdata Create Default Design Data
param Detail Specification for
plot.ipsecr Plot Detection Functions
plot3D.IP Plot design and saved simulations for one box from a model fitted with ''
plotProxy Simulate and plot the relationship between a parameter and its designated proxy
predict.ipsecr SECR Model Predictions
print.ipsecr Print or Summarise ipsecr Object Internal Functions
proxyfn0 Defunct Functions in Package 'ipsecr'
proxyfn1 Internal Functions
rpsv Internal Functions
rpsvi Internal Functions
simCH Internal Functions
simpop Internal Functions
summary.ipsecr Print or Summarise ipsecr Object
vcov.ipsecr Variance - Covariance Matrix of SECR Parameters