Analyse Biological Invasion Costs with the 'InvaCost' Database

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Documentation for package ‘invacost’ version 1.1-6

Help Pages

computeAvgTotCost Calculate the cumulative and average annual cost over a single period of time
expandYearlyCosts Expand cost values per year of the database over relevant periods of impact
getInvaCostVersion Download and read a specific version of 'InvaCost'
invacost 'InvaCost' database
modelCosts Model the trend of invasive alien species costs over time
plot.invacost.costmodel Plot model predictions of cost trends over time
plot.invacost.costsummary Plot raw cumulated cost of invasive species over different periods of time
prettySummary Provide a pretty summary of model results
summarizeCosts Summarize costs of invasions over periods of time