lift-format {interlineaR}R Documentation

Information about the structure of the LIFT XML format in order to easily generate XPath expression and extract information.


There are four fonctions: one for each table to be built (entries, senses, examples, relations).







Each functions return a table with the following columns: A name for this field "Path": an XPath expression toward an element. "Type" how to retreive the content of this element in some frequent cases: - "form" indicates that the content is in ./form/text; form contains an attribute @lang with either vernacular languages code(s), or analysis language code(s). In this case, the Sub-type column state vernacular of analysis accordingly. - "trait" indicate that the content is in a @value attribute; the trait has a "name" attribute give in the Sub-type column. - "gloss" is similar to "form" above. "Sub-type": in the cases where Type has the values "form" or "gloss", indicats if @lang is vernacular ou analysis; in the cases where Type has the value "trait" : the value of @name. "Concat" an XPath expression for building the value with the element using XPath concat() "Collapse": TRUE = element may appears several time and have to be collapsed in order to build the cell value.


a data.frame

a data.frame

a data.frame

a data.frame

[Package interlineaR version 1.0 Index]