Importing Interlinearized Corpora and Dictionaries as Produced by Descriptive Linguistics Software

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Documentation for package ‘interlineaR’ version 1.0

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interlineaR-package Importing interlinearized corpora and dictionaries as produced by descriptive linguistics software
available.entry.fields List of the available pieces of information for each entry (ie column in the entry table)
available.example.fields List of the available pieces of information for each entry (ie column in the entry table)
available.relation.fields List of the available pieces of information for each entry (ie column in the entry table)
available.sense.fields List of the available pieces of information for each entry (ie column in the entry table)
entry.fields.spec Information about the structure of the LIFT XML format in order to easily generate XPath expression and extract information.
example.fields.spec Information about the structure of the LIFT XML format in order to easily generate XPath expression and extract information.
interlineaR Importing interlinearized corpora and dictionaries as produced by descriptive linguistics software
lift-format Information about the structure of the LIFT XML format in order to easily generate XPath expression and extract information.
lift.specification List of the available pieces of information for each entry (ie column in the entry table)
read.emeld Read an EMELD XML document containing an interlinearized corpus.
read.lift Parse a dictionary in XML LIFT (Lexicon Interchange FormaT) vocabulary and turn it into a set of data.frame
read.pangloss Read a file in the format used in the pangloss collection
read.toolbox Parse a Toolbox (SIL) text file
relation.fields.spec Information about the structure of the LIFT XML format in order to easily generate XPath expression and extract information.
sense.fields.spec Information about the structure of the LIFT XML format in order to easily generate XPath expression and extract information.
vatlongos A corpus of 10 texts of the Vatlongos (vtk) language